Minecraft Maps / Educational

Rocket Launch STEM Awareness and Astronaut Training Facility (1.19)

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Level 38 : Artisan Explorer
What better place to start than home here on earth? Visitors can tour a rocket launch base, modeled after NASA's launch facilities from eras past, and see everything from mission control to mars rover tests to rocket assembly hangars. It's a great place to get excited because from here you launch off to the moon!

Remixed with permission from OldShoes and the creators of Broville – Golonka, DocTrev, Descole, Sburc, Metalus, and Ultra_Dank
CreditEric Mattson and Jeff Ginger
Progress100% complete

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04/02/2024 2:02 am
Level 38 : Artisan Explorer
In case you don't spawn at the actual launch facility TP to -1558 67 2702
