Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Dash of Doom (1.6.4) - a Minecraft Temple Run Map

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Level 76 : Legendary Technomancer
Welcome toRun of the Damned:A Temple Run Minecraft Map. (latest map version 1.2.1)

Submit your highest scores today... are you the best of the best?

You have a Timer that counts off the seconds till you die, run to reach the checkpoint (glowstone) Before the timer runs out to restart the clock.

Reaching a checkpoint adds 1 point to your score, so the more checkpoints you reach, the higher your score.

Pick up a many gold blocks as you can while running, gold blocks is turned into virtual coins that can be spent on buying upgrades such as "add 3 seconds to the timer"

1-16 player multiplayer.

You come to compete for fame and gloryo ¦ but you will die.

If the timer runs outo ¦you will die..
If you fall off the tracko ¦ you will die.
If you fall in the lavao ¦ you will die.

No matter what, in the endo ¦ you will die.

The question is just how long can you run before death catches up?

Go to the shop to spend you coins and to start your run.

Good lucko ¦ you will need it.

If youexperiencingsome lagplayingthe game, please set your "Particles" to min, view distance normal and performance to balanced.

Please make some lets plays and link me to your videos!

Soon playable on zedchase.com

This map has been quiteextensivelytested but some bugs might have been missed. If you come across any please let me know.

High Scores
  1. 81 -RobopowerSplintechs
  2. 79 -SargentoPeppermit
  3. 60 - Farrahs
  4. 36 -KolorznSilence
  5. 34 - Dragnoz
  6. 26 - Bootoyou
  7. 25 - Killa_Builda
  8. 23 - Phedran
  9. 20 - Heyaroo
  10. 18 - kacper1337
  11. 15 -Freeman0679
  12. 14 -ZoomZoomWD
  13. 7 - SwipeSilk
  14. 6 - Jestarz

Additional Notes

Rule book

1. Starting the run
2. The checkpoints
3. Speed increases
4. Spending your coins
5. Multiplayer rules
6. Submit High Score

1. Activate the "Go to staging area" button.
2. At staging area activate the "START RUN" button.
3. Face the quarts ore door and run when the countdown completes.

1. The glowstone blocks are the checkpoints.
2. You have to hit them before your timer on the right reaches '0'.
3. When the timer reaches '0' you will die and return to start area.

1. You start with speed III
2. At score 20 (see right hand by timer) you receive speed V
3. at 40, speed VII
4. at 60, speed XI


1. As you pick up gold blocks they will be converted to "Coins"
2. You can spend your coins at the shop.

Items for sale are:
- 3+ on timer potion
- Jump Boost
- Multiplayer Sword

1. Another player can join the run at anytime
2. The game mode automatically changes to "multiplayer" mode (see scoreboard on sidebar)
3. The idea is to gather as much multiplayer 'points'. (gold blocks)

4. Every 2nd checkpoint will remove 1 point.
5. When a player reaches '0' points and a checkpoint is triggeredo ¦ they die and the game mode returns to single player.

Submit high score

1. AFTER a run you can submit your high score to be stored by activating the "submit high score" button.
2. You can view the current high scores by hitting the tab key.

Hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed making it.


Map, environment, redstone and game mechanics - Dragnoz

Buildings, paths and filler scenery - Farrahs

Moral support - Killa_Builda

Beta Testers - 47_Steve, BpyyWonders, Cheezy229, Crafter_AA, CreeperTesticles, JayG77, Lolatron987, LoveTabea, Scout_Recon_117, Seamonkeyman987, Spoontron, TheLongRun, Thetubbe, Ade2_0, dragnonz102, emboar, erikwesley, jacobbox110, jamalkhan12341, kingsparis, martinthegrate70, orik1997, robopower, sebedemic, xXdanielXx
CreditFarrahs, Killa_Builda and everyone who beta tested!
Progress100% complete

11 Update Logs

Update #11 : by Dragnoz 05/07/2013 4:33:24 pmMay 7th, 2013

1.2 now released

1. Removed inventory items
2. Reset Scores
3. Remove first obstacle when starting in the TNT room

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02/04/2017 8:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wow nice game thanks thats nice

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12/06/2014 7:02 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
awesome left a diamond XD
11/10/2014 1:35 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
Dragnoooooooz; My Favorite minecraft youtuber, Great Map!!! Have A diamond
06/27/2014 2:56 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
why did i spawn in a world with nothing!!!!!!!
06/08/2014 9:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice concept I tried it and found it doesnt work, probably because oof the archive errors
06/08/2014 9:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Over 560 errors unzipping this archive
05/19/2014 5:57 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
My highest run score is 447 so far.
Proof screenshot:
05/19/2014 6:17 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
716 :)
05/15/2014 5:14 am
Level 1 : New Network
My Highest Run Score is 647
03/03/2014 3:09 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
192 is my highest and the speed doesnt work for me for some reason
