Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Towers of Midnight: Adventure Structure MC1.10 map V0.6.2)

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Dragnoz's Avatar Dragnoz
Level 76 : Legendary Technomancer

"The noise! it always starts with a noise and then the never ending Midnight arrives. Adventurer you must set out, find the latest tower of Midnight and destroy the evil that holds us in the grip of Night.

Ascend the tower, fight the evil and destroy the crystal that casts midnight over the realm. Only then can dawn arrive"

So starts your first journey in 1.10. Towers of Midnight is an Adventure Structure.

What is an Adventure Structure? In 1.10 a new block will be added that allows you to import structures and entities from a file in your world save.

This means you can play adventure maps in your own world, no downloading massive world saes, all you need to do is download a structure folder, drop it in your world and run some install command blocks.

You must be in snapshot 16w21b or higher

See what's new in each version - click to reveal

NEW IN V.0.5.0
• Now protect sensitive areas with the "Protect Area" armor stand
• On install you will receive 10 ArmourStands that can be placed. Each protects a 50x50x50 area. Read chat to activate.

NEW IN V.0.6.0
• Towers now only spawn after every 18000 game ticks (half a day)
• Towers now cause some odd physics. Best keep your pigs under a roof

NEW IN V.0.6.1
• Now A LOT more challenging!

NEW IN V.0.6.2
• You can now spawn a test tower. Just move 100 blocks away from commandblocks

How to install:

1. Backup your world.
2. Download the structure folder zip file.
3. Unzip and drop it into the world folder you want to install it in (see video)
4. Grab a commandblock and run the install code below.
5. Right Click the structure block that loads and click on "LOAD"

Install Code - click to reveal
Enter following code into a commandblock and Activate it.

/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:structure_block 1 replace {metadata:"5",mirror:"NONE",ignoreEntities:1b,powered:1b,seed:0L,author:"dragnoz",rotation:"NONE",posX:-1,mode:"LOAD",posY:0,sizeX:3,posZ:-1,integrity:1.0f,showair:1b,name:"setup",sizeY:3,sizeZ:3,showboundingbox:1b}

• Random Loot
• Random Mobs
* Random structures

This is not finished yet and ill be adding more rooms and mobs and lots of cool things as time goes by
Progress70% complete

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05/28/2016 10:24 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
wedstone's Avatar
Looks great, as your work usually is! Keep it up man!
05/28/2016 3:31 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
Don't quite understand what this is, but it's amazing all the same. ;)
05/27/2016 9:24 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
mick_5's Avatar
You are always the first to come up with amazing stuff.
