Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Sailing ship - Templar's frigate

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Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
Hi there!

This is a ship I've, at first, made for my single-player world. However, since I'm not getting entirely satisfied with purely single-player experience, I've decided to start sharing some of my creations. And so, here goes the first one.

It's a frigate of Knights Templar, only lightly armed, but fast and maneuverable multi-purpose ship.
Quick facts: it has 3 masts, 7 sails, 2 decks and 16 guns. Maximal length 67 blocks, width 21 blocks, height 39 blocks.

This is actually the first big ship I've ever made, so don't be too harsh on me :-)

So, enjoy (I hope :-)!

Texture pack used on screenshots is DokuCraft - The Saga Continues
Progress100% complete

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12/02/2011 2:55 pm
Level 46 : Master Nether Knight
Those are some amazing sails! The multi-wooded hull is neat looking too.
12/02/2011 2:49 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
ive seen this b4 somewhere.....
