Minecraft Maps / Other

SGHS MC - San Gabriel High School Minecraft

  • 5,999 views, 3 today
  • 651 downloads, 1 today
  • 8
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Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
For Minecraft Version 1.15.2+
The map is under the world name Rosemont
Map is still work in progress. (1.0)

SGHS MC is a 1:1 recreation of SGHS in the game Minecraft which can be downloaded by anyone to experience its real life location in a virtual manner. It's purpose is to allow SGHS students to be able to see their school one more time before the Class of 2020 graduates. This project began in mid April 2020 during stay at home orders due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though this project started since April, it has taken considerable time for our team to create this project. You may wonder why with the time-frame the team had that this project may be inaccurate, bugged, or etc,. To answer that, other high school students that recreate or visit their own Minecraft version of the school is not comparable to the construction SGHS MC due to three main factors: it's size, it's elevation, and it's position. SGHS is one of the largest high schools in California making it hard to capture every detail. However it also has different elevation levels which adds even more difficulty to what was already difficult. To top it off, SGHS does not sit at a straight position that is directly aligned with any direction such as North, East, West, Or South. To solve this, our team used mathematical skills to best accurately depict the project. We ask for your understanding that some parts of this project are not completely accurate as we used the best logical choices. Unfortunately, this project may be incomplete as you may notice a numerous amount of many empty buildings, incorrect size of a building, or any other errors such as missing windows and doors. To avoid empty rooms, our team designed some rooms with a generic design that may not match it in real life. We sincerely apologize if these actions are not to your best interests and that you did not find SGHS MC enjoyable. We thank you for taking time to try out this project and that your issue may be resolved in a future update.

Please note that in order to use the elevators, you must install the Lift plugin in order for them to become operational. We also recommend installing the Simple Sit plugin to enhance your experience. These plugins are NOT required.

For more information visit us at: sghsmc.weebly.com/
Progress80% complete

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