Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Skyblock Islands (+10.000 Downloads!) [Survival/Skyblock]

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RexRaptor's Avatar RexRaptor
Level 80 : Elite Creator

I have built a new minecraft map. Everyone, who play Skyblock, will like this, too.
It has the same principle like Skyblock, but there is more to discover: there are more islands, more resources, you can travel to all three dimensions and the islands arent so chunky.
Since the Update, there are Bedrock-Islands and Specials Islands like the "Quarztempel". And the Specially Feature is: Every Island has a suitable biom.

Permissions - IMPORTANT

© Copyright XxRexRaptorxX (RexRaptor)

- It´s not allowed to copy the project or its contents!

- You aren´t allowed to prentend that the map is yours!

- It´s only allowed to show the map on your website or forum
if you have my permissions!

- In Let´s Plays, videos, reviews, posts, ... the creator (XxRexRaptorxX) &
a link to these projekt site should be indicated!

- Reposts are strictly forbidden!


- Die Map oder Inhalte davon dürfen NICHT Kopiert werden!

- Die Map darf NICHT als die eigene ausgegeben werden!

- Der Download der Map darf nur auf eigenen Webseiten oder Foren veröffentlicht
werden, wenn die Rechte erfragt wurden!

- Bei Let´s Plays, Reviews, Videos, Posts, ... sollte der Creator (XxRexRaptorxX) &
ein Link zu dieser Projekt Seite angegeben werden!

- Reposts sind strengstens verboten!


[​CC] Creative Common >> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0

[?] Questions?/Fragen? >> http://world-of-mine-company.jimdo.com/kontakt


- Build a cobblestone generator
- Build an infinite water source
- Find a dungeon
- Build a cornfield
- A trade with the villagers
- Find 2 islands
- Find 5 islands
- Find 10 islands
- Find 20 islands about three Dimmensions
- Go to the Nether
- Go to the end
- Build a monster trap
- Build a Functioning Redstone circuit
- Find a Diamond
- Find a Smaragt
- Build a Nether portal
- Collect a pearl of Ender
- Farme obsidian
- Find a Nether Fortress
- Get through the Ender fountain
- Holding Farm Animal
- Find lava
- Find a Mushroom Iceland
- Build a Golem
- Use an anvil
- Use a brew stand
- Find a Disc
- Crafte a bed and use it
- Grab the final egg
- Build a notch Memorial / Monument / ...
- Get all default achievments

Let´s Plays



Creditby RexRaptor (XxRexRaptorxX
Progress100% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by RexRaptor 10/10/2023 10:38:22 amOct 10th, 2023

download link fixed

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10/11/2023 11:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ANCIENT097873687's Avatar
it worked and best map ever thankyou ur the best map creator
10/08/2023 12:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ANCIENT097873687's Avatar
i cant download it how to download pls tell
10/10/2023 10:38 am
Level 80 : Elite Creator
RexRaptor's Avatar
try again
07/20/2020 2:23 am
Level 26 : Expert Skinner
Slow_Finger's Avatar
This is the best skyblock map...
Take this diamond...<3
07/24/2020 6:56 am
Level 80 : Elite Creator
RexRaptor's Avatar
Thanks <3
03/15/2020 2:53 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
FedeRio's Avatar
I love your map <3
12/09/2019 12:08 pm
Level 48 : Master Nerd
Awsomo1324's Avatar
We are doing this but without mining ores that you can get by other means (e.g iron from zombie and/or iron farm & gold from pigmen, diamond gear from villagers etc.) but we can't find an island with lava or obsidian, which we need to get to the nether. can anyone help. I'd appreciate it if you told me just which compass direction to follow rather than the coords.
12/11/2019 4:35 pm
Level 80 : Elite Creator
RexRaptor's Avatar
lava is a very rare resource on different islands, just search ^^'
08/23/2019 8:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
denizengt's Avatar
Starting chest seems to be missing 1.14.4 Vanilla or Forge?
08/24/2019 11:15 am
Level 80 : Elite Creator
RexRaptor's Avatar
There is no starting chest. Everything you need can be found on the first island
