This Map is an entry in the completed Industrial Revolution Project Contest.

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Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
pls tell me if you think i am doing anything against the rules so i can change it

stuff that is not really important for you

this is my entry for the industrial contest i worked really hard on it for 3 weeks and i hope you like it.
i got my inspiration from the woudagemaal and some other things.

i particepated in this contest because i already wanted to make something in this style for a long time and because i am fannboy of lentebriesje and carlooo and i wanted to show my builds to them.


Once there was this world named sollore, there was not that much high tech like we see in our nowadays world. Just farmers and craftsmen. But then Irise invented something he called a steam engine this machane was able to create huge powers. in the meanwhile was the amount of people fast growing in sollore. they thought Irise could maybe find a solution for this problem and he actually did his idea was a huge amount of work but they could do it because they needed only half as much people on the land because Irise inventions had made evrything alot easy'er. So they started his insane idea this idea was that they should make a wall of grass stone and dirt around the island they lived and then pump all the water out. This worked and evryone got food but Irise had some other plans for this world then his civilians he decided that the world would be alot better iff most people would live in the city and worked in the factory's he was going to make. This ment that evryone had a terrible live beside him and his friends they fancy houses and an easy life. this story is kinda stupid but i am not a book writer nor am i fluent english.
hope you enjoyd it and remember eventualy Irise will be killed in a revolution(yes a sad anding for a genius but he seemed to be a bitch) and the power would go to a parlement that has been choosen by voting.

Spoiler - click to reveal this is where Irise and his friends lived, this is where he prefered otherpeople to live

if you wonder if i broke the expanding land rule i brushed the dirt on the old land and then fixed the water on a higher level so it looks like that piece of sea is drained while it is the otherway round.

Creditthanks to 8257pqoscsg nackerbacksid worldedit voxelsniper creatruth mojang
Progress100% complete

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11/03/2014 1:20 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
Nice build good luck!
11/01/2014 12:08 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
10/31/2014 9:31 am
Level 48 : Master Architect
An extremely impressive build! I really love the designs and all.Still I think you should work on that story a bit more. Also you've copied a lot of the buildings, which is alright, of course, but I'd like to see more elements in the build. Also you could try using a more diverse black pallet and concentrate in the distinctivity of the indivisual buildings. Best of luck for You!


10/31/2014 1:00 pm
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
thank you and you are right about the point that too many houses copie/paste (they where just boring to make) you are also right about the story i could maybe make it better to day not sure cause i am bad at writting down stories. in my head i can easely imagine a story with it's own world but when i try to write it down....  i do not really agree with a more diverse blackpalet because there are not really that much other blacks in minecraft and the wool has that wool patern that i find for some reason disturbing. but i'll try it soon because i am not to sure about it.

thanks for the feedback :) comments like yours are really more worth to me then just it looks good or it looks bad.
10/31/2014 1:53 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Np. I think it's hard to find different blocks for the kind of houses you build. I had the same problem with the victorian slum building complex i'm working on, so I (too) made the same mistake and ended up using surprisingly similar materials as you. I've noticed that it's really hard especially when using the default resourcepack to find good materials for this kind of thing. Instead I compensated that by making the houses as distinctive as possible, and mixing in different styles.I would suggest arranging the buildings so that the same buildings wouldn't be next to each other. I think there's nothing really wrong in copying (although I've not copied a single block) and it's a good way of filling a map when you've got so little time in hand. I have to change my slums a little though so that it doesn't look like I'm copying you XD I think my project will be released pretty much in the last minuite, though. I have a lot to do :(
10/31/2014 3:53 pm
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
aha well i won't write a longer anser to this cause my fingers hurt from typing the whole day so just good luck with your project mate :)
11/01/2014 2:11 am
Level 48 : Master Architect
Hehe THanks XD
10/30/2014 7:13 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Great work, I can see the 3 weeks.  Love the plane and I am impressed with the ornate iron work. +1D
10/31/2014 1:00 pm
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
thank you
10/30/2014 1:11 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
This is really good :D
Beats mine by a million :D Well done!
