Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

SovietMiner's Ultimate Snow Palace!!!!

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Level 40 : Master Toast
This is a massive structure with the majority of it being built out of snow, ice and light grey wool. I had one reference picture, and then just kind of went from there. ALL BLOCKS WERE LEGITLY PLACED BY 1 (Resources courtesy of too many items
Progress100% complete

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07/17/2011 5:09 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Could you post a mirror? I am trying to add this to modcraft (schematics in the next release in a couple of days), I need a DIRECT link to the download and the planetminecraft link won't work with the program. What modcraft's downloading system does is it forces a download from the direct link so your download count will go up even when someone downloads it via modcraft, at least that's how the schematics are going to work. Mediafire and dropbox etc links work but the planetminecraft one does not. If you would be so kind as to post a mirror, that would be great :) (yes I've been copy and pasting this to schematics I think are neat and do plan on adding to modcraft assuming mirrors are created)
