Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Space Shuttle Spacecraft

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Nexus XIV's Avatar Nexus XIV
Level 39 : Artisan Crafter
This Space Shuttle is an edited version of FlyingPenguin33's 1:1 Scale Space Shuttle on Launch Pad which you can find here http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/11-scale-space-shuttle-on-launch-pad/ . This project owes its existence to his amazing work. Before downloading this Space Shuttle head on over to his page and be sure to download, favorite and give a diamond to his awesome creation first!

This Space Shuttle is my attempt at creating the most accurate Space Shuttle that I possibly could. It Includes a full interior, cargo bay, engine room, all five boosters a crew deck and a cockpit. I used sources such as pictures, books and videos in order to get as close as I could to the Shuttle. The Spacecraft is 53 blocks long, 60 blocks wide and 23 blocks high. I hope that you enjoy this Space Shuttle Minecraft replica!
CreditMade Possible by FlyingPenguin33's 1:1 Scale Space Shuttle on Launch Pad
Progress100% complete

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12/28/2016 5:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
The_Growl's Avatar
I think you should've left a little less black on nose. But nice interior.
Nexus XIV
12/28/2016 11:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Crafter
Nexus XIV's Avatar
Thanks! I was debating on how much black I should have placed on the nose.
