Published Jul 7th, 2013, 7/7/13 4:47 pm
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ATTENTION: <-- this is my original post. For some reason i'm not able to log into planet minecraft with that account. hopefully someone will see this and fix it for me. But for now, i'll be posting on this account.
Finished the Observatory/Frinks Lab!
Finished Springfield Dam, I added a pic
I built the exterior of Burns Manor, however, the interior has not been started. And it will take a while.
I finished the Stonecutters, heres what's left:
-Burns Manor
-Springfield Sign
-Frink's Lab/Observatory
-Globex corporation (MAYBE)
Buildings left to build:
-Burns Manor
-Springfield Sign
-Frink's Lab/Observatory
-Globex corporation (MAYBE)
-StoneCutters Headquarters (MAYBE)
Looks like I'm almost finished! :D
Leave suggestions for what to build if i am leaving something out.
Sorry i haven't uploaded too many photos, but theres a limit of 20, and i need to save some space.
I will not be surrounding the town completely with houses, the only houses featured will be important ones mentioned in episodes, and a few filler houses.
I am currently working on a model of ALL of springfield from The Simpsons. In the pictures shown, you will see a portion of the downtown area. Once this portion is finished, it will be completely surrounded by houses including the Simpsons' house and Mr. Burns' mansion. There will also be some other major houses. The rest will be generic. All the houses will be surrounded by forresty mountains and springfield Gorge. I could never be able to create this single handedly of coarse. Some of the buildings I took from mjhurtado1 (with permission) in his adventure map which you can find here:
I played this map which inspired me to build this. It is really fun so make sure to download it and subscribe to him for more fun stuff
I'll try to update this post along with the map itself.
***This is not a server, it's a map that you will be able to download when finished.***
Progress | 90% complete |
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