Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

[Steampunk] ▬◘ AirShips ◘▬

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Level 31 : Artisan Artist
[Steampunk] ▬◘  AirShips  ◘▬ Minecraft Map


I'm Jordi, you may know me from some projects out there. You can download this project to use it in your own server to play on it with friends or you can download it and use it for private purpose.


This Airshipwas built by me after i had some idea's about building a steampunk world. This airship was built especially for the GoldGuardMC Server together with another Airship. You can download the Airship to put it in your private server and check out how i built it or you can learn from it how to build something like it. All the buildings are built by me, so you don't have the permission to use it in any public server. To check it out by your self join: play.goldguardmc.net

The airships are inspired by the famous Steampunk concept, but it's in an original private style. The leaves has to give it that old flying feeling, that it's flying for years on that place. That's why i've used them.

This AirShip is only available on play.goldguardmc.net and you can not use it on any other server!

Want to talk with me on social media?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JooordiW
Skype: JoordiW
ServerHosting: www.serverbuilds.com

Thanks to:

- HifiGamer (for the english text)
- Wafflesauce (For helping with the second green ship)
- Serverbuilds (for the hosting)

[Steampunk] ▬◘  AirShips  ◘▬ Minecraft Map

This AirShip is only available on play.goldguardmc.net and you can not use it on any other server!

[Steampunk] ▬◘  AirShips  ◘▬ Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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07/21/2018 10:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Whats the point of making it downloadable? if we cant use it? mhm
Mine Maus Craft
01/23/2015 2:59 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
It's beautiful :-)
08/18/2014 7:56 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Awesome <3 now I just need to learn how to use mcedit
08/18/2014 8:17 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Artist
It's simpel: Download World edit - Join your own server - Put this command: //schematic load MCEdit airship1 - Than use the command //paste to place it in your server.
08/18/2014 7:40 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Good job Jordi!
