Minecraft Maps / Other

250x250 Pirate Spawn for SMP/Raid Servers (Download)

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Caveman
An epic pirate island server spawn I made for you all to use on your servers!

Will be featured in one of my major upcoming videos. I built a spawn for my upcoming pirate raiding server! I figured maybe other people want to make a pirate/island themed server too so I'm dropping this here.

You're welcome to use these in your own server as well.

- A breath taking island that your players will appreciate
- A random tp portal- Plaza's and shop npc areas for trading, quests, and shopping
- Tavern
- Fish market
- Docks
- Loot crate area
- Giant skull for style
- Volcano for coolness

The video will be posted here when it's out :)

Add me for commissions on discord: lerfing
Progress100% complete

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06/08/2024 9:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
