Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Super Compact PIN Combo Lock

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Cubehamster's Avatar Cubehamster
Level 85 : Elite Batman
Sequential PIN input combo locks tend to be huge with lots of buses and decoders and RS nor latch arrays. But that is now a thing of the past. By utilizing redstone signal travel distance we can make really small designs.

It is very accessible and easy to customize the code.

Dimensions: 5x11x23

Feel free to download the worldfile and schematic to play with it yourself.

Tutorial will hopefully be recorded this weekend.

Video showing how you can change the PIN: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrO8eGY1tLI


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12/05/2012 9:06 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
leobizaz's Avatar
Schematics please :(
12/04/2012 5:24 pm
Level 21 : Expert Toast
TheAverageHero's Avatar
PLEASE make a tutorial. I am creating an adventure map and need this.
11/29/2012 4:13 am
Level 36 : Artisan Ninja
zaubara's Avatar
clean and nice design!
11/28/2012 9:02 pm
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
Mororder's Avatar
Looks quite yummy.
11/28/2012 6:03 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
Brocktree1234's Avatar
I am terrible at redstone. Could you message me about perhaps coming on our server? It is a private server, and will open in the spring. I believe you to be the best technician I've seen so I would like to have you on my server. Perhaps for just 2 hours? Just to do some redstone stuff? Please message me on PM with an answer.
Brocktree1234, exterior designer (many of my projects are not listed on this site, so don't go by my "resume")
11/30/2012 3:00 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
WhiteLava's Avatar
Hey you could learn a lot from the best on this server ip: Jessassin.net and if the owner of this project comes across this comment, Hi! lol but seriously its a cool server where basically all the best redstoners come together and you have to qualify just to get a plot. i think you could learn, and the owner of this project would have a good time. ps most people on that server are better than dicso
11/28/2012 7:02 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Narwhal
quanose's Avatar
No offence to CubeHamster, but Disco_ is so far the best redstone engineer.
12/11/2012 11:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
349057345's Avatar
not true at all. he is famous for some fancy stuff that the mass likes. he is not bad, but he not "the best redstone engineer". Just take a look on the RDF or something similar (creating ALUs, CPUs or even whole computers) and you will see what i mean ;)
12/10/2012 6:03 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Olhcim's Avatar
they have two completely different goals... in my opinion CubeHamster is da best...
he puts thought, huge effort, time and commitment into making every single one of his designs.

disco has no need to make things small, compact and resource friendly, he just makes mini games and maps, he is not a true "redstoner" but an advanced map maker.
11/29/2012 4:33 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Ranger
kaaslolly's Avatar
I don't think Disco is the best. Disco makes cool minigames, but with a lot of help from others. CubeHamster makes things really compact and makes it easy. They are two different things, you can't compare them.
