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HaxHit's Avatar HaxHit
Level 42 : Master Creeper Hugger
So basicly this is a bunker to survive thing s like nuclear explosions, zombies, radioactive stuff, and a giant corrupted fart?!
There is no survival, just a build, i will add more pictures and stuff soon

the video i did not make, i just put it there for you to listen to that irritating sound for 10 HOURS!,(with bonus boom at the end)

Update List: I added a new room and replaced the old bed room with a potion/pill room. I also added pictures of some of the bunker. Added seed too!
Progress30% complete

4 Update Logs

seed! : by HaxHit 06/29/2014 8:57:11 amJun 29th, 2014

You can now use the seed

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