Minecraft Maps / Complex

Vanilla SuperMario Lucky Block Command Map + TEXTURES

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tomatotownn's Avatar tomatotownn
Level 39 : Artisan Sailor
Hi PMC, I was recently messing around with command blocks and came up with a great use of /execute.

It uses the same mechanic as SuperMario, where the plumber hits the underside of a Brick or Lucky Block with his head, and gets a coin and the block breaks/changes to empty.

The map features a small course that you can use to collect coins by hitting the bricks, and is fully MULTIPLAYER COMPATIBLE. This map is really just a proof of concept using the execute command with a few bits n' bobs added to make it look nicer. This map is fully Vanilla and has 0 use of plugins, the sprites an textures you see are resources embedded in the map file so no need for extra downloads.

The default gamemode is Adventure mode but feel free to go creative and check out the commands behind the Lucky Block mechanic.

This is the main command that the Lucky Block mechanic works on:
/execute at @a if block ~ ~1.81 ~ minecraft:bricks run scoreboard players add @a[dx=-30,x=6,dz=12,z=7] dummyCoins 1
This adds a score of 1 to dummyCoins that is then targeted by the other commands, without getting in the way of the players already stored coins

It will then chain onto:
/scoreboard players add @a[dx=-30,x=6,y=50,dy=20,dz=12,z=7] coins 1
This adds 1 coin to the players stored coins

/execute at @a[scores={dummyCoins=1..}] run setblock ~ ~2 ~ minecraft:end_stone_bricks destroy
This then replaces the brick the player hit with end_stone_bricks, which is the "empty brick", meaning it cannot be hit again for a coin.

/title @a title {"text":"+1 Coin.","color":"gold","bold":true}
This gives a lovely title telling the player they got a Coin

/scoreboard players set @a[dx=-30,x=6,dz=12,z=7] dummyCoins 0
This last step resets the dummyCoins to let the player start the chain again when they hit they're next block.

I tried to add an addition of /playsound to better replicate the Super Mario coins but couldn't make it work, I think it was something to do with the command chain being too long, maybe you could fix it!

I got the idea to create this command through this thread so thx to HockeyandMarvel101 for peaking my interest.

I hope you enjoy this quirky Vanilla SuperMario Lucky Block Command map and dont forget to:

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09/19/2019 10:33 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Mariocraft_Best's Avatar
instant download by me as soon as i saw it
09/19/2019 10:45 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Sailor
tomatotownn's Avatar
