Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Survival Island Adventure Map

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CurtCo's Avatar CurtCo
Level 44 : Master Pokémon
Hello again to another map made by me, CurtCo__.

This map is a verry hard map and there are severel things that make it a harder map than other survival islands map beceuse you will spawn up at night, pluss there are mobspawners neerby and hardly eny sorce of food. In this map there is an adventure to it so it would be a good adventure map to.

As the map will say when you spawn the rules are on this page well here they are:

- No Creative (e.g /gamemode 1)

- No Changing the time of day (e.g /time set 1800)

- No Hacking (e.g Exray)

- No Mods (e.g MoreMobs)

- No making maps

- No Giving items (e.g /item)

- No Teleporting (e.g /tp)

- No Flying (e.g /fly)

- Must play on easy or higher (e.g Normal)

- Have Fun (e.g Yaaaaaaa)
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by CurtCo 07/26/2013 6:33:57 pmJul 26th, 2013

Improved some aspects...

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09/07/2012 7:10 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
LoL_Zubas's Avatar
:s I don't start on the island... I'M LOST ON THE ********** OCEAN<!!Plz helpp ahah
Bigmyles 123
10/21/2012 1:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Farmer
Bigmyles 123's Avatar
sorry that it took so long to get back to you try making a localhost server stick it on there and then go creative and get out a map and find the island
09/07/2012 9:56 am
Level 44 : Master Pokémon
CurtCo's Avatar
Ok I'll sort it out to make sure you spawn on the island
09/07/2012 1:52 pm
Level 44 : Master Pokémon
CurtCo's Avatar
I have sorted out the spawn problem
09/08/2012 5:07 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
LoL_Zubas's Avatar
thanks ;)
09/06/2012 1:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xgamersfilms's Avatar
this doesnt work
09/07/2012 2:03 am
Level 44 : Master Pokémon
CurtCo's Avatar
Whats wrong with it?
