Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Survival Island - v4.0

  • 19,338 views, 1 today
  • 3,140 downloads, 0 today
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JustShiney's Avatar JustShiney
Level 46 : Master Bunny
Welcome to ArnieShine's/JustShiney's SURVIVAL ISLAND! Please leave a DIAMOND! Watch the video to see the map in full detail...

Donation List:

Hello guys. I had a go at making my own Survival Island and it has become quite a hit. It has over 15,000 views and 2500 downloads. I am always going to be updating it and at the moment I changed a lot since the first release to make this current version (look in the log). Hopefully with the updates comes better things. I will still include the images for previous versions and the download links. If you have any suggestions for changes, I may implement them in the next version. I spent around 14 hours on 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 collectively and I spent about 1 hour on small updates. This is a lot of time, I did it all manually and did not use MCEdit apart from making the spawn point.
Click me to see a tour of the map or watch the video above to see the latest episode of my series playing the map. I will be HOPEFULLY making a trailer type thing that has no commentary but you need to understand that this will take time.
The downloads are here ENJOY:Have fun playing this map and if you make a series of it I might check it out :D

Finally I have version 3.0 out! I didn't change as much as I would have hoped but I will always update with little bits and bobs over time. The main reason I didn't add LOADS is because I had no ideas. What can I add to a map that already has everything? If you have an idea tell me PLEASE!

How do I donate to you? Well it is simple. Just go to THIS LINK and enter your desired donation amount. The donation may not be money. Maybe an amount of active subscribers or twitter followers. Even to be featured on another submission. Please message me for more info...

Texture Pack is 'Faithful'
Progress100% complete

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by JustShiney 10/06/2012 6:25:08 pmOct 6th, 2012

Just updated the stats in the description (how many views/downloads it has received)

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02/20/2013 6:36 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
ObsidianOwen's Avatar
Cant download Adfly.:(
gangster minecraft
11/27/2012 6:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
gangster minecraft's Avatar
does it work on 1.4.5
11/28/2012 6:25 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
JustShiney's Avatar
07/22/2012 4:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CllayMoore's Avatar
I would really like to know why there are 2 signs under "Monument Island" that say "Your a paki" and "Your dead nan is a sweaty etheopion Whore"
07/23/2012 4:14 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
JustShiney's Avatar
Made it on a server
07/04/2012 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
KingDavid9876's Avatar
wool bug unlimeted wool
07/05/2012 12:14 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
JustShiney's Avatar
Thanks I know but how do I fix it? and what colours are unlimited?
04/02/2012 4:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
KirbyMaster555's Avatar
Personally, I think that the monument island should NOT be able to be built on, for fairness.
04/02/2012 4:32 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
JustShiney's Avatar
How do you mean? It wouldn't really make a difference would it and seeing as you are not able to destroy it
03/31/2012 8:31 am
Level 46 : Master Bunny
JustShiney's Avatar
Just so you know, the TP in the main photo is MISA's 64x64
