Minecraft Maps / Other

Survival World | Ultimate Survival Starter #3

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MAT1CSBuilds's Avatar MAT1CSBuilds
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Back with another Ultimate Survival World! This is the third installment in the series

Mountain House - Reimiho
Horse Stables - Mythical Sausage
Custom Village - Mythical Sausage
Barn - Folli

other builds are by me!

Again like before each barrel/chest is filled with custom loot. There is a small nether house, iron farm, wheat farm, wool farm and villager trading hall in this!

Let me know in the comments how I can improve!

Screenshots taken with complementary shaders
CreditReimiho, Mythical Sausage, Folli - YT
Progress100% complete

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08/22/2021 11:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
H_yro's Avatar
It appears that this map is a clickbait.
08/23/2021 12:06 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
MAT1CSBuilds's Avatar
why? the download consists of the world, I havve verified it myself
08/23/2021 5:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
H_yro's Avatar
Majority of the buildings in the picture like the tower and the cave house are not in the world, and when I downloaded the .rar the file says Ultimate Survival World 4. So something must've happened to the downoad file unless i'm mistaken.
08/23/2021 10:16 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
MAT1CSBuilds's Avatar
I download it again and I spawn in the front of the mountain house, and I had deleted the old save which I had uploaded. X - 154 Y - 63 Z - 23. these are the coordinates of the place, try teleporting there. If you loaded it in 1.17 it may have caused world corruption there which is not in my hand, sorry
08/24/2021 6:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
H_yro's Avatar
It's fixed now, I spawned next to the mountain house and I am satisfied with the world. Diamond and hearted.
08/24/2021 7:22 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
MAT1CSBuilds's Avatar
if you get problems with any other world let me know! I don't like to clickbait for views lol
08/07/2021 4:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZenEXE's Avatar
oi quando eu entrei no mundo eu entrei no mundo meu personagem foi gerado no meio do nada
08/08/2021 2:31 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
MAT1CSBuilds's Avatar
I downloaded and checked on another device, you spawn at front of the barn. Do you have items in your inventory? If yes do /kill command maybe it will lead you back to the bed. Coordinates of the base are X - 154 Y - 63 Z - 23.

Eu baixei e verifiquei em outro dispositivo, você desova na frente do celeiro. Você tem itens em seu inventário? Se sim, faça o comando / kill talvez ele o leve de volta para a cama. As coordenadas da base são X - 154 Y - 63 Z - 23.
