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Level 37 : Artisan Architect

Hello I'd like to present you the city of Taris from a 2003 game Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic!

I tried my best to recreate the map as close to the original, but the project is not a 1:1 copy so
some areas may feel odd, due to the use od different colors and overall design.
Most of the buildings are just background stuff so keep in mind they were meant to be empty and low in details. The map is still a Work in progress so new areas will be added over time.

I recomend BSL shaders for the best experience!

The map requires L33tsauce's Kotor Resource Pack. (It's for 1.7.4 but it works well with 1.12)

Hope you enjoy it :)
Currently Upper City is complete excluding Sith Military Base and Gladiator Arena.

Lower City is a very early WIP and it will probably be scrapped and started from scratch.

Undercity and Sewers are in planning stage.

Special thanks to L33tsauce for creating Kotor Resource Pack
Progress50% complete

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05/09/2018 9:26 am
Level 71 : Legendary Dragonborn
really nice, it should be more visible.
10/15/2017 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
How do I get to the city? I spawned in and I was in a ring of rooms kinda. I went outside and it was empty.
07/14/2017 5:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
This is great, although when I clicked on this, I didn't read it properly and thought it said "TARDIS", which is why I clicked on this. But great build anyways!
07/14/2017 11:43 am
Level 41 : Master System
Also i can make textures animated if yah like that kind of thing

Funny thought what if lama's where Astromechs like T3-M4 and their spit is a electric shock XD
07/14/2017 11:33 am
Level 41 : Master System
WOAH WOAH WOAH! This is Awesome ok wow i just decicded to try to get the people who made the KOTOR maps before to finish them and finish L33tdauce's resource pack.

If you want i could start making textures for you and also i can do particle effects and command block things for you.

This gives me a good idea on where to start fixing the resource pack... sounds
07/17/2017 10:13 am
Level 41 : Master System
I have a suggestion move the south and north rooms then add buildings outside around them to make it look nicer and less empty.
07/14/2017 8:08 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
looks lit
