Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Tate Worlds: Soul of the Soulless City

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Level 25 : Expert Architect
New York in the 1920s was a bustling and fast-changing place. Its emerging skyscrapers and railways epitomised the dynamism of the modern metropolis, inspiring British artist Christopher Nevinson to paint his Futurist-style painting Soul of the Soulless City in 1920. On entering the Tate Worlds map, you will board a train taking you past some of those landmarks that Nevinson would have seen, before you roller-coast into the future as the skyscrapers go up and up. The sights and sounds of the roaring twenties will accompany your journey as you build a skyscraper, join construction workers for a dangerous sky-high lunch, and race to catch a movie.

Tate Worlds are exciting Minecraft ‘maps’ that present virtual environments inspired by artworks from Tate’s collection. The maps allow players of Minecraft to explore a range of paintings and sculpture, undertaking various activities and challenges that relate to the themes of the artworks, or exploring how they were made. Tate has teamed up with some of Minecraft’s best known mapmakers to create these virtual artworks, offering a unique combination of art, history and adventure. 

Tate Worlds is a collaboration with The Common People: Adam Clarke, Lead Artist and Producer, with Tewkesape

For more information about this project visit the Tate's website http://www.tate.org.uk/about/projects/tate-worlds-art-reimagined-minecraft
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