Minecraft Maps / Complex

TBNR - New Hub & New Server!!!

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CybusBT's Avatar CybusBT
Level 40 : Master Turtle
Hey guys, just one thing before I start. I / We are very sorry for Cybus being inactive. This is due to alot of players leaving aswell as the previous leaders. Because of this, we had to take a while to recruit and also get together ideas for projects. We recently released our SkyWars map for EXGM, and will be releasing more maps soon. Also, in our previous upload, I said this: 

We may also be soon brining out a MASSIVE project, so be sure to look out of that. ;)

Well... here it is, enjoy!!!


Hey guys! Recently, Cybus was approached by the staff of the TBNR Server to come and build a spawn. Instead, they found my (Drakey) really old hub spawn project that I put on PMC for download. (See it here)
They then asked me and AlfieeHD (Manager of Cybus) to personally come and edit the hub in result to being their new hub when the server is re-released! 

I am still surprised to this moment that they came to us. (I bet you are to ;))

So here it is: The NEW TBNR Hub Spawn!!
The server is going to be released later today or tomorrow and is brought back to only Survival Games. I really suggest you check it out @ mc.tbnr.net & the website @ tbnr.net. We will also be bringing out alot more builds for TBNR aswell, such as new Survival Maps, new pregame lobbies and more. 

I would like to give out some credit to people for helping with the build, but also for just being... great.
Credit to:

- AlfieeHD for MASSIVELY helping with customising the whole hub and being.. special
- Me for being me
- Joey / Twister for being helpfull.
- Jordan / Meowmore for helping out with the hub and recruiting us to build.
-  Freecammer / Jacob for being Shrek and... special aswell
- Wellitskristen / Kristen and Caryelizabeth / Cary for being amazing

Check out TBNR Frags's Youtube channels @


CreditAlfieeHD, Meowmore, Twister915, Freecammer, wellitskristen, caryelizabeth, TBNRFrags
Progress100% complete

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01/01/2016 1:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxHolyDoIt2954xX's Avatar
Please help!
01/01/2016 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxHolyDoIt2954xX's Avatar
It won't let me log in to it! :(
08/24/2015 2:44 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Vitaliy21's Avatar
Hey you build amazing stuff mind adding me on skype @MinecraftGaming4Life i would like to talk about a build i'm looking for.
12/12/2014 6:45 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
VideoGame-BlackBelt's Avatar
What happened to the tbnr server? One day I leave another it's gone and not up. As well as the website?
11/09/2014 12:06 am
Level 1 : New Network
edisd1's Avatar
Would you guys like to help build the Network of FreeMc!?! Please i can use people like you!
01/01/2016 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxHolyDoIt2954xX's Avatar
08/10/2014 1:35 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Artist
4theSenpai's Avatar
nice, didn't think Cybus was still live and active. Very unique and interesting hub build.
08/14/2014 4:33 am
Level 40 : Master Turtle
CybusBT's Avatar
We are starting to become more active & thank you.
08/07/2014 10:13 pm
Level 20 : Expert Explorer
Saxibus's Avatar
TBNR = Too bad, not real
08/08/2014 4:27 am
Level 40 : Master Turtle
CybusBT's Avatar
Haha good one....
