Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Tekkit Spaceship

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siris_737's Avatar siris_737
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
OK so over a few days I've been making a giant tekkit spaceship and was wondering what people think, most of the work so far has been engine detail and some minor interior work. the main body is made of reinforced stone with tin blocks for details. I had played around with the idea of a hanger but i dont know how big i should make it of what types of planes should be in it, feel free to suggest. I'm going to start shaping the front and building the bridge.
I've even started programming the computers in engineering :) Alot of interior building and furnishing needed though and I'm in the process of making a lift, which is harder than i though using timers and pulse formers.As always if you want show your appreciation with a diamond.I probably should start building planes and troop carriers for the hangar if I'm making it.It's coming along pretty good but I also need a name, any ideas?

Im also thinking of putting out the framework to see what people could do with it, let me know if you think its a good idea.
Progress30% complete

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01/24/2016 3:48 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
__pjkhamis__'s Avatar
I love it, keep going! I'd love to see the finished thing.
07/06/2014 6:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JackGibbs123's Avatar
This is awesome, love the engine design!
DesiredCraft Builds
09/27/2013 3:45 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DesiredCraft Builds's Avatar
Very interesting!
03/14/2013 7:47 pm
Level 24 : Expert Mage
shadowdemond's Avatar
can you message/ reply to me with the computer code? it's not for a project, just fun.i'll credit you if you want.
03/16/2013 8:30 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
siris_737's Avatar
Yea, sure its a pretty simple one. Do you mean the ones in engineering?
03/20/2013 12:03 am
Level 24 : Expert Mage
shadowdemond's Avatar
whatever makes it fly(lol)
03/21/2013 1:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
siris_737's Avatar
It doesn't exactly fly, as such
12/12/2012 3:22 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
dingo990's Avatar
The bridge should be off-center, just to be different, kinda like a caldari cormorant. games.chruker.dk/eve_online/graphics/ids/256/2388.jpg
(bridge is on the right "wing")
12/01/2012 7:48 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
epicminerdude's Avatar
for the front it would be cool if you made like stud nosed half dome, with like a huge cannon and put the bridge at the back on a raised platform, sorry no ideas for a name
09/28/2012 7:23 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
epicminerdude's Avatar
why blutricity?
