Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Thaumcraft In 4 Commands: Infusion Altar, Aura Nodes, Items and more!

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Level 51 : Grandmaster Droid
Thaumcraft is a rather popular Magic-Mod that allows you to break down items and use them in a process called infusing!

I recreated the most iconic parts of this mod in vanilla minecraft. It uses 4 command blocks and you can add more and more recipes yourself!

  • Create a wand to make various structures. Rename a blaze rod "Wand" and you are good to go!
  • Build and activate an Infusion altar to make some cool items!
  • Build an Alchemical furnace to convert items into essentia which is used in Infusing recipes
  • Add as many recipes to the alter as you want! Or as much as your computer can handle :P
  • Use the infusing altar to make a Nitor! Put the nitor under a furnace and you wont ever need any fuel anymore!
  • Using a few nitors and a lot of essentia, make a Alumentum which will not only remove the need of fuel, but also insta-cooks the input items!
  • Easily remove the nitor or the alumentum by puting sand underneath them. You will lose the item in the process!
  • Make a ring of runic shielding which grants extra protection when you health is high!
  • When the system is put into a normal world, the system will spawn aura nodes around the world!
  • Aura nodes will give 8 essentia of their aspect every minecraft day!
  • You can get the essentia out of the nodes by throwing a glass phial on it!
  • You can also throw a glass phial onto an altar to gain the essentia before you destroy it, or if you want to move the essentia to an other altar
  • To use the essentia that is in the phials, just throw them on an Alchemical furnace in range of the altar.
Commands and recipes can be found at rsdg.tk > contraptions > thaumcraft
follow video for more instructions
Progress100% complete

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05/29/2019 5:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
There’s a mod that is thaumcraft so downloaded it and play the damn mod
07/30/2016 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ok, this is good. Any plans on adding in wand foci or abilities like Lord of Hellfire?
08/08/2015 2:21 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
Wow, this is a great vanilla mod, I can really appreciate the amount of work and thought you put into this! I would even suggest slowly adding more features to the mod if you wanted so it becomes an awesome vanilla mod!
08/09/2015 5:47 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Droid
That is the plan. Just to give the players an magical survival experience!
08/09/2015 5:55 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
Very nice! My one concern is the phials that contain "essentia", aren't those drinkable potions that give effects?
08/11/2015 5:39 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Droid
They are indeed drinkable, but I removed the effect they give. They taste just as Good as a bottle o water ;)
08/11/2015 9:37 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
Oh I see, nice!
08/05/2015 8:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Robot
Nice :)
08/07/2015 10:12 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Droid
