Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Battle of The Ender Dragon - DxD Adventure map multiplayer

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DreadxDragon's Avatar DreadxDragon
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
This is my finished adventure map that I am very proud of making all by myself and one block at a time. Don't forget to comment and up diamond!! Here is how the story goes:

You are one of professor Terrowins' scholars during the Ender crisis. The Ender crisis is the realm called "The End" that has been transporting endermen into our world to prepare the comming of the Enderdragon. You are with a group of your fellow schollars to minimize or completely destroy the endermen. You must get to the Ender palace and enter the shrine of the EnderDragon and destroy the dragon before it comes into the overworld and destroy all life as we know it!
Progress100% complete

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12/25/2011 10:28 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
jarko350's Avatar
hey nice one i love I also subscribed to you and i was wondering if you could subscribe me back thanks good work
12/24/2011 1:21 am
Level 78 : Legendary Unicorn
Block_Fortress's Avatar
Temporarily disabled the submission. Changes are required. Reason: IncompletePlease post an ingame screenshot of the project. Thank you.
