Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The city of Drãgurion

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TeamPalladian's Avatar TeamPalladian
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
The city of Drãgurion by Team Palladian

1015 BC. A noble King rules the lands of Minecraftia upon the mountain of Dragur. A peaceful land. A land where crime did not seem to exist. Until one day, A plundered,dark pirate set ashore beneath the great mountain. Ransacking the citie's farms and burning its windmills to the ground he made his way up the mountain along with his trustworthy crew.
After slaying the last of the farmers, they made their way further up the mountain, chasing the fleeing civillians up into the mighty castle itself.
Slaughtering everyone from villagers to knights, children to men he seemed unstopable. Killing the great king himself thus taking the crown into his own bloodthirsty hands.
1043 BC. The ancient pirate, having plundered the wealth of minecraftia grew old and weary for his disire for gold and jewels lost all trust from his fellow crew and having abandoned him, the castle's halls seemed empty and lost. After losing all signs of sanity he became reckless, protective of his hoard of treasure. Slaying anyone who he thought became a threat to his empire... And thus his treasure...
Legend tells of a great hero under the name of 'Steve' said to have been born by the great minecraftian gods he rode a black stallion up the rugged road,bursting through the corrupt soldiers, mercenaries paid by the Pirate. Wielding an iron sword of unspeakable power he broke his way into the castle's great doors, headed to the highest point of Drãgurion, the tower where the pirate lay sleeping... Sneaking up to his bed Steve forced his sword through his chest, directly through his heart.. The pirate had been reaped from these lands. Yet...
Nobody, not even Steve could find his hoard of treasure, located somewhere beneath the castle, waiting to be uncovered.

Special note:
We will continue building this map in survival mode only from now on. No fly, no infinite blocks.
This is becomming a new Hardcore Build for our BuildTeam!

I would like to thank our client BoFone for this idea and support. He will also participate with his friends on building Drãgarion to something special.

We would love to make a series out of this, but this is only a speculation! We are still trying to set things up. This means that the project might be down till the end of August, but no worried, we will continue this project for sure!

Our website: palladianteam.weebly.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/TeamPalladian

Disclaimer - We recently changed our team name from Buildminaters to Team Palladian
CreditBoFone, Team Palladian
Progress60% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by TeamPalladian 04/17/2017 12:02:57 pmApr 17th, 2017

+ We are adding more cities
+ We are expanding the currunt map
+ We are expanding the city of Drãgurion itself

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08/14/2015 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Xx_FoxFlame391_xX's Avatar
Simply amazing, did you build the whole terrain from scratch along with the buildings?
08/15/2015 3:28 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
TeamPalladian's Avatar
We did indeed, we always make a couple of frames first, the terraforming was improvised
08/18/2015 3:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Xx_FoxFlame391_xX's Avatar
Wow, it looks amazing!
08/14/2015 6:20 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
GhostXavier's Avatar
The detailing on this is superb! I like the lore you created; That last line is very inviting to explore the map for that hidden treasure. Definitely following your work
08/14/2015 6:27 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
TeamPalladian's Avatar
Thank you for those kind words! :)
08/14/2015 9:59 am
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
TeamPalladian's Avatar
That took a while to do... hope you like the new description!
06/12/2015 7:33 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Fantastic work, my friend!  It looks absolutely incredible!
Mine Maus Craft
06/12/2015 12:25 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
Looks beautiful, what's about a better description?^^
06/12/2015 11:37 am
Level 47 : Master Bear
Bear_'s Avatar
