Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Darragon Empire

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Kilroywashere00's Avatar Kilroywashere00
Level 26 : Expert Architect
The Darragon Empire of The Astorian Vale....

With More ideas and builds falling under the Darragon Empire, I decided to make a separate project dedicated to Feudal-Asian medieval Empire containing castles, fort, cities, and more!

This Isolated, Military government power has a history wars, invasions, heroes, and culture. From a simple fishing village, the Darragon Family grew their nation to one of the largest in all of Astora, expanding across the seas to distance lands. Similar to the daimyo of Feudal Japan and it's architecture,Bushido, and way of life, The Darragon's rule from Darragon Castle with a army of katana-wielding samurai to defend it. New to the Empire, The Darragon Monastery, a place of faith and harmony. Monks spread faith and goodwill across the land through religious teaches while Warrior monks train to defend the Empire!

Resource Pack: John Smith Legacy
Renders: Chunky

*Warning* Interiors are boring; many unimportant buildings, like houses, have little to no interior. The houses are meant for exterior appeal and realism.

View the Projects as 3D models on Sketchfab!

List of Builds
-Darragon Castle
-City of Narto
-Darragon Monastery
-Fort Takeda
-Fort Hojo
-More to come
Progress50% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Kilroywashere00 12/24/2018 6:06:53 pmDec 24th, 2018

Darragon Castle (100%)- Complete overhaul of the Castle and interiors. Added more defenses, new towers, new gardens and walkways, etc.
City of Narto( 100%)- Heavily Expanded and upgraded to a large city. New docks, markets, bridges, roads, houses, farms, and more
New Statue
More Boats

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01/19/2019 4:16 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
ric_the_bat's Avatar
need for yt
03/12/2018 2:42 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Warrior
Daichi_Taicho's Avatar
02/25/2018 4:18 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Skarab67's Avatar
Excellent build - keep up the good work.
