Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Free Falling - A Dropper Map

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  • 557 downloads, 0 today
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Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
In this dropper map it is up to you to you to complete all the droppers. Can you survive the falling?


  • Don't cry on the 7th level
  • Stay in gamemode 2 until the end
  • If you hit a block and live don't worry about it (it might be meant that way)
  • If you make a youtube video over this map make sure to link my channel in the desc: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCARkUOL5TNVDUN5TMCGVEgw
  • Have fun
  • (If you break it or it bugs out feel free to cheat a little bit, but don't exploit this ability)

Map info:

This is my first map EVER, so don't judge me too much. I completed this map in 4 days so it may be slightly buggy, part of my inspiration was PopularMMOs. Each level is harder than the last (more or less). I used basic redstone and commands to complete this map (not a redstone genius) and if you played all the way through congrats. Make sure to leave a comment and let me know about any bugs etc. or even just what you thought. ALL LEVELS ARE POSSIBLE (TESTED IN GM 2) by TheCrazyBird and I.

Minecraft Version: 1.9.4 or 1.10.2 (any one in between)

Map Version: 1.1 Updated the map

Fixed the title
Added a head shop

Make sure that if you do a video about this map to leave the download link in the desc. too so others can enjoy it :D
Progress100% complete

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