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- 1,225 downloads, 4 today
EXTERM is a (fictional) and highly classified Private Military Contract Organization who have been doing covert jobs for many agencies across the globe. EXTERM also happens to have the most well trained and equipped Private Military the world has ever seen. Their elite troops can handle an entire army, while their standard troops can take out whole battalions of soldiers.
5 Years after the events of FX3, the Sculk have infested the facility. Connor and any survivors there were are now assumed to be dead. The Grinner is on its last breaths, hiding and recovering from the horrors which lurk below. Welts Inc. has gone as far as to hire Private Military Contractor EXTERM in order to reclaim the facility from the sculk. You and your elite team enter the facility, with you trailing just behind them, but something goes terribly wrong.
The Wardens are a manifestation of The Sculk, appearing as massive blue humanoid figures, who also happen to be blind, but beware as they have a very sharp sense of hearing, and they can hear you through walls. However, these massive beasts cannot hear anything walking on wool or carpet, so be careful and walk on any nearby carpet or wool in their presence.
The Lurkers are also a manifestation of The Sculk, being the exact opposite of The Wardens, they are deaf, but they have very good eyesight. If they see you, they will come sprinting at you with their massive claws, powerful arms and razor-sharp teeth. They do not have legs, so they move around with their arms. Their natural appearance blends in with the sculk, so be careful as they can see you even when you can't see them.
The Watchers are tall, sensitive manifestations who will attack you if you look at them. They are very similar to endermen in the sense that they are deadly, bulky and hard hitting. These creatures also have a passion for scaring the hell out of unsuspecting people and for making them feel like they're being watched. They also have massive eyes which are very hard to look away from.
The Silent Ones are another manifestation of The Sculk which are generally harmless creatures which walk around in the dark, sculky abyss looking for a way out of their pain. They have been taken by The Sculk and usually cannot be brought out of The Sculk. They roam the halls of the facility silently, which makes them a good startle when you're not expecting it.
Play with the brightness set to 0 for maximum immersion.
For the best experience, play with RTX off. Playing TGG:SILENCE with RTX on will result in broken features, incorrect textures, etc.

Abyssal shadows, missing their iconic twisted smile.

With screams of trapped souls,

Trapped in the dark depths.

People say good always comes from bad, but after all,

There is nothing good that comes from

The eerie silence.
Welcome to...
The Grinner Gates™ - SILENCE
Lead Developer - ProjektRhythm
Lead Media Designer & Media Manager - Simon T.
Lead Character Designer - Ethan W.
Lead Level Designer - Jason C.
Lead Story Writer - ProjektRhythm
Resources/Texturing/Modelling - ProjektRhythm & Nathan S.
Behaviors/Mob AI - ProjektRhythm, Jonas K. & Aidan W.
Trailer Production - ProjektRhythm and Simon T.
Voice of Connor Welts - ProjektRhythm
New Member(s) - Lina B. (OffTheBook Studios), Jonas K. (TyrantInteractive), Leonard K. (TyrantInteractive), Nathan S. (TyrantInteractive), Nicholas C. (TyrantInteractive), Aidan W. (TyrantInteractive)
Please consider supporting the development of TGG:SILENCE by donating some money to fund this endeavor.
By downloading this map from PMC or our Content Gallery, you agree to the Terms of Use for this map.
You can join our Discord Server here
If you experience any issues feel free to report them here
Please see the last image in the image gallery for Playtester Reviews.
Disclaimer: TGG:SILENCE in its current state does not have replayability. To replay the map, you must redownload it. This will be implemented in the full release.
© 2021-2024, OffTheBook Development Group. All Rights Reserved
5 Years after the events of FX3, the Sculk have infested the facility. Connor and any survivors there were are now assumed to be dead. The Grinner is on its last breaths, hiding and recovering from the horrors which lurk below. Welts Inc. has gone as far as to hire Private Military Contractor EXTERM in order to reclaim the facility from the sculk. You and your elite team enter the facility, with you trailing just behind them, but something goes terribly wrong.
The Wardens are a manifestation of The Sculk, appearing as massive blue humanoid figures, who also happen to be blind, but beware as they have a very sharp sense of hearing, and they can hear you through walls. However, these massive beasts cannot hear anything walking on wool or carpet, so be careful and walk on any nearby carpet or wool in their presence.
The Lurkers are also a manifestation of The Sculk, being the exact opposite of The Wardens, they are deaf, but they have very good eyesight. If they see you, they will come sprinting at you with their massive claws, powerful arms and razor-sharp teeth. They do not have legs, so they move around with their arms. Their natural appearance blends in with the sculk, so be careful as they can see you even when you can't see them.
The Watchers are tall, sensitive manifestations who will attack you if you look at them. They are very similar to endermen in the sense that they are deadly, bulky and hard hitting. These creatures also have a passion for scaring the hell out of unsuspecting people and for making them feel like they're being watched. They also have massive eyes which are very hard to look away from.
The Silent Ones are another manifestation of The Sculk which are generally harmless creatures which walk around in the dark, sculky abyss looking for a way out of their pain. They have been taken by The Sculk and usually cannot be brought out of The Sculk. They roam the halls of the facility silently, which makes them a good startle when you're not expecting it.
Play with the brightness set to 0 for maximum immersion.
For the best experience, play with RTX off. Playing TGG:SILENCE with RTX on will result in broken features, incorrect textures, etc.

Abyssal shadows, missing their iconic twisted smile.

With screams of trapped souls,

Trapped in the dark depths.

People say good always comes from bad, but after all,

There is nothing good that comes from

The eerie silence.
Welcome to...
The Grinner Gates™ - SILENCE
Lead Developer - ProjektRhythm
Lead Media Designer & Media Manager - Simon T.
Lead Character Designer - Ethan W.
Lead Level Designer - Jason C.
Lead Story Writer - ProjektRhythm
Resources/Texturing/Modelling - ProjektRhythm & Nathan S.
Behaviors/Mob AI - ProjektRhythm, Jonas K. & Aidan W.
Trailer Production - ProjektRhythm and Simon T.
Voice of Connor Welts - ProjektRhythm
New Member(s) - Lina B. (OffTheBook Studios), Jonas K. (TyrantInteractive), Leonard K. (TyrantInteractive), Nathan S. (TyrantInteractive), Nicholas C. (TyrantInteractive), Aidan W. (TyrantInteractive)
Please consider supporting the development of TGG:SILENCE by donating some money to fund this endeavor.
By downloading this map from PMC or our Content Gallery, you agree to the Terms of Use for this map.
You can join our Discord Server here
If you experience any issues feel free to report them here
Please see the last image in the image gallery for Playtester Reviews.
Disclaimer: TGG:SILENCE in its current state does not have replayability. To replay the map, you must redownload it. This will be implemented in the full release.
© 2021-2024, OffTheBook Development Group. All Rights Reserved
Credit | OffTheBook Studios & Tyrant Interactive |
Progress | 75% complete |
Tags |
17 Update Logs
29/10/2024 : by OffTheBook Studios 10/29/2024 4:28:23 amOct 29th, 2024
"Full Release" 1.0/0.7d has been linked.
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good: the map and puzzles are well designed, the mobs are quite detailed and designed very well and the map is very long even at this stage
bad: it may be fun and thrilling, but its not that long compared to other titles like the sculk labs which usually have very long gameplay loops, mob encounters are very infrequent, only appearing in specific designated areas such as the crawler sequence, there is a big lack of detail in big rooms nd maybe custom blocks could help fill up the space and finally i think theres too few puzzles and unique areas in the map.
overall tho the silent depths is very good and it is actually more scary than i expected it to be especially with emissive textures. ill give it a 10/10 even tho there are a lot of bad things, this map still just blows past most of the newer horror maps on pmc
On the topic of working with otb, It was really straightforward and easy to work as a playtester in otb because everybody is just kind and non judgmental while with other studios ive playtested for, its always "do not say this do not say that." I feel like otb is just really honest because they allowed me to share my own unbiased opinions without any changes being made by the "higher-ups." the ceo projektrhythm is also really nice and kind, speaks in a good tone and is really funny
moreover on my experiences with tgg silence, the map was amazing, in fact one of the best i've ever playtested in my opinion. I think they have massive potential with tgg silence and may have hit a gold mine with the amount of views and downloads this will likely have in its full release. to me, tgg in general has a ton of potential and silence has a lot more and will probably bring this small horror franchise into the pmc mainstream for bedrock horror, maybe cementing itself beside the legendary Sculk labs (whose creator i see in this comment section :o) in the pmc spotlight. the areas in the map are well made and well thought out, the items and various functions such as the flashlight and the locker hiding features are really well made and the commands are quite sophisticated.
Even considering all its flaws, i think tgg silence is fit for the mainstream.
tldr; it was amazing to work with otb and try out tgg silence.
(thx for reading if u actually read all of it :])
I did not think the Sculk Labs would be legendary at this point especially since it was made as a passion project,but a huge thanks for the compliment! :D
Also,in case you wondered,I'm on the OTB Studios' Discord Server,so if you have any questions,tell me! :)
I like how you incorporated Sculk so well into the Map and even thoguh there were some parts that I didn't understand such as the Valves section or the Mutated Warden (Which kinda looks like the Sculk Amalgam...).
But overall,the Map was great,especially compared to Facility X!
Good job OffTheBook! :D