Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Luminous Enclave of Aerial - High elf city - Fables and Fantasy RP

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Fables and Fantasy RP's Avatar Fables and Fantasy RP
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mage
Nation/settlement: The Luminous Enclave of Aerial (High Elves)

Short description:
The Scions of Illumination, the Azari’cill call themselves, for their existence reflects the pinnacle of civilization under the Mother’s wing.

These luminous beings have scintillating magic in their blood. The glittering spires of the Azari cities stand like beacons in the lands where skill and enlightenment saturate the very air. The Azari’cill absorbed so much of this innate potential that when at war, it is said that the phalanxes of the Azari warhosts glow with lambent power. An assault by an Azari’cill army is swift and carried out with flawless precision. The enemy is met with a forest of blades and barrages of elemental wrath.

This claim of mastery also carries a deadly arrogance. The Azari come in glory, but they hail from a broken land, their elegant spires toppled and their statuary crumbled into the dust of a dead empire. The stories tell that it was the scourge of Fineall that ravaged the lands of silver that was unavoidable. The age of the fallen spires has turned the empire of enlightenment into a spell-haunted ruin.
Ever since the Time of Reinvention, the Azari’cill have managed to make peace with the lands they call home.

Current leader: @Arkhun

Discord server:

Website: https://fablesfantasyrp.com/
Wiki: https://fablesfantasyrp.com/wiki
Forums: https://fablesfantasyrp.com/forums/
PlanetMinecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/fables-and-fantasy/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fablesandfantasyrp/?hl=en
Dynamic map: http://play.fablesfantasyrp.com:8083/
Discord: https://discord.gg/fablesfantasyrp
Progress100% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Fables and Fantasy RP 08/02/2023 1:49:34 pmAug 2nd, 2023

Shelved this build

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11/26/2021 5:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
itscassie2021's Avatar
download link pls, pls pls pls pls
Zickzack Girl Sophie
10/18/2021 12:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zickzack Girl Sophie's Avatar
07/25/2021 2:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThePodrostok's Avatar
Plz download link
06/27/2021 2:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iiLynnxx's Avatar
I wish this could be downloaded, its so pretty and majestic looking
06/27/2021 5:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GamerMaexx's Avatar
Can we get a download?
