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Pointerhill34's Avatar Pointerhill34
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
TERMINATION NOTICE: I cannot do it any longer. My love for creating this map has died, for the past month I have been forcing myself to work on this project. I used to love making this world, but I don't want to have multiple things that feel like work. I am sorry if you feel I have let you down, I know, I feel it too. But I will let you have the last stable copy of the world, not much work has left to be done. With world painter it would only take an hour at most. So thank you for all the support. I will continue to create projects such as survival stuff, but for now I will take a break. With the release of battlefront 2 that will rip people off to a hysterical amount I will be playing company of heroes for now. Thanks, have a good day!

Progress95% complete

14 Update Logs

Update #14 : by Pointerhill34 11/25/2017 3:50:04 pmNov 25th, 2017


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02/26/2018 7:15 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Pointerhill34's Avatar
If someone replies to this comment saying I LOVE MAZE RUNNER, I will continue this project and finally finish it. Although it may take awhile so I don't loose interest again. I am doing this to know if you people really care if I finish this or not. Thanks
11/25/2017 3:53 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Pointerhill34's Avatar
Thank you for all the support guys, if you really want me to finish, I may, but it won't be until summer hits. The only good thing about this change is that you guys get to decide how this map will end...........
10/15/2017 8:50 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Pointerhill34's Avatar
Download will come out soon. Check my updates to see projected datelines. Currently I hope to release it at the start of November. Thanks for the Support.
10/15/2017 11:35 am
Level 1 : New Network
Professor_Ozpin's Avatar
When will this be up for download? It has caught my interest, therefore I must ask this important question.
10/14/2017 6:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rodrigoxito's Avatar
i can't download it
09/04/2017 5:33 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Rogan_WolfHeartYT's Avatar
WOW! Great! I wanna have that map!
08/27/2017 7:39 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Pointerhill34's Avatar
Hello guys, after the previous delay in my efforts to create the "perfect" griever, I have successfully done so. After about 1 hour of coding I managed to produce a griever that is very difficult to kill, yet it is not impossible. I have also added custom trees to the glade and have rebuilt the part of the maze that was lost after the corruption. The "End of September" dateline may not be out of reach. Thank you.
