Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The New World [10k x 10k] Custom Continent

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qwryzu's Avatar qwryzu
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer

Want to support me releasing these maps for free? Buy me a coffee!

MADE IN 1.12.2
because I play with mods, I'm pretty sure you can play it in newer versions but I haven't tested it so no promises.

A 10k x 10k continent built with World Machine and World Painter. The map is mostly mountains, plains, and forests, but with plenty of rivers. Northeast corner of the map is a plateau/canyon inspired by the Colorado Plateau region of the Western US. Do whatever you want with this map, I just ask that you give me proper credit. Please, send me your builds in this map!! I make these maps for myself but I post them for you all and I really want to see what you can do with them.

Huge thanks to everyone in the Immersive Railroading Discord for all the feedback!! Special thanks to tigerbird1 for the name suggestion!!

Here's a collection of 4k renders if anyone is interested: https://imgur.com/gallery/S58PHNY

This map is playable on survival, but here's a few challenges/limitations that you must note.
1. Structure generation is off, even in the auto-generated chunks past the world border, so no End Fortress, Villages, etc.
2. There are no caves in this world because they were causing issues with my terrain and aesthetics come first on this one. To compensate I've boosted the ore generation a little bit, I think it's pretty fair but if it's too much/not enough let me know and I can change it up.
3. If you play with mods, none of their ores will generate. CoFH World (I think it's world, it could be another one of their modules but you should be using all their mods anyway) has a RetroGen option in the Config that will generate mod ores in pre-existing chunks. I think it's only CoFH ores, but if you use OreDict most tech mods have overlapping ores anyway. Not a perfect solution but the best I can do for you.
4. If it's from a biome not in this world, then the block doesn't exist in this world. Ex. no acacia wood in this world

Tools Used:
World Machine
World Painter
Screenshots rendered with Chunky

Trees/Rocks Packs Used:

Custom Tree Repository by lentebriesje
LemonFox's Tree Bundle by LemonFox
Dead Tree Repository by Kwa
Keno's Tree Repository by Keno
Wasteland Repository by LordSamSinister
Progress100% complete

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09/30/2023 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
545's Avatar
how u download
03/07/2022 6:10 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Night_ShadeX's Avatar
hey can i use for a roleplay series modded
03/03/2022 2:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4004488G's Avatar
can it be a winzip file and not interned explorer
03/29/2021 3:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AjanShark's Avatar
the map is 10kx10k then why is it 951MB?
10/06/2021 1:13 am
Level 28 : Expert Waffle
unmoo's Avatar
03/28/2020 10:52 am
Level 33 : Artisan Mountaineer
NimbleSeal's Avatar
Love the view! I could look at it all day!
12/15/2019 7:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Blood_Vision's Avatar
Do u have a map from the world? from above. Would help me very much.
10/30/2020 11:42 am
Level 23 : Expert Crafter
Fantasy_MC1440's Avatar
Seconded. Please may I have a map. Or at least co-ordinates of the screenshots, since I want to use the mountains area, and I can't find it.
10/25/2019 7:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zinezockt's Avatar
is this selfmade or have u used worldpainter?
10/25/2019 4:30 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
qwryzu's Avatar
World Painter and World Machine
