Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Nok (11500 BC- ancient Civilzations on Display) S01E03

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Hello Everybody!

Welcome to Season 1 Episode 3 of 11500 BC.
Today I like to introduce you the Nok. 

-Thanks a lot for watching and Enjoy!-

This is the third project in 11500 BC.
In West/Central Africa (Nigeria) around the area of the Village of Nok (Jos Plateau) first found beautiful stone scupltures.  These foundings opened us a door to one of africa long forgotten great civilzation.

Few is known about the Nok manly through the lack of funding for research.
Some basic information you can find here.
Two major sites can be befound near by Taruga and Jos.

I will focus on the few architectual hints and pictures I can find in books and online.

At current stage Nok Village in 11500 BC feature:
- a grannery
- small farming communities
- a small district with sandstone houses
- small port for fishing and trading
- some ancient mines
- a market area
- some tool shops
- a palace 
- a small district with mud houses
- several mansize stone and iron statues
- street to Bauchi Mines

Nok Village Overview:
comeing soon

to learn more about what the 11500 BC Project is about, you can have a look here.
you can pm me if you want one
Server + Dynmap:
more details to 11500 BC server you can find here and Dynmap as well

Hope you enjoyed?!

Thanks a lot again for all the support.
If you like ancient history and want see or learn more about it favordiamond subscribe or pm me.
I am happy for every comment, so feel free,
if you wish that I feature an ancient culture which did not earn the spotlight so far just let me know.
Progress55% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5- Collecting treasures : by bjbrown84 07/09/2015 12:52:51 pmJul 9th, 2015

I rounded up the infrastructure a bit and collected some treasure for the future inhabitants of the Nok Village.
Added some ancient mines to the original ancient iron mines of Bauchi Mine which are still active today.

As further details on that culture are hard to come by at the moment and need deeper research it will take a while to update here. 

Next thing I plan is to add 2-3 citizen in the area. Who can tell you more about the Nok.

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Mine Maus Craft
07/03/2015 1:52 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
I like the renders you made, the colors look so beautiful :-)
07/03/2015 1:54 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
thanks a lot. 
African Savanna is just beautiful!
My PC is really slow in rendering so actually this pictures are already bit behind my progress
Mine Maus Craft
07/03/2015 1:57 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Minecraft and the programs we need for Minecraft are so bad to our pcs^^
07/03/2015 2:17 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
yeah now in summer its even more worse.I cooling the poor thing all the time xD
(just update the project, not my day xD)
07/03/2015 4:58 am
Level 40 : Master Architect
I will look forward to this! Keep it up, looks great already! :)
06/25/2015 4:32 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Awesome!  Can't wait to see this.  ;)
06/26/2015 1:07 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
You are expecting probalby too much.
There is almost no base I can build on.
I am still digging into written history, exploring neighboring cultures which might give some clues how the nok actually build.
