Minecraft Maps / Complex

The S.S.S: A 4gt Self-sustaining Stem & Shroomlight Farm | 104% Selfsus | 1.19+

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Level 57 : Grandmaster System

The S.S.S: A 4gt Self-sustaining Stem & Shroomlight Farm | 104% Selfsus | 1.19+

by ncolyer

Rates & Requirements
- Playerful:
- Playerless:

- For all credits, sources used in the explanation video, and additional material:

Notes, Credits & Additional Info
- The layout was optimised to collect the max amount of shroomlights whilst still collecting enough wart blocks to be self-sustaining, all without sacrificing on stem rates at all
- Farm is fully customisable meaning it can switch between self-sustaining and playerless mode, wart block or bonemeal output and more
- The storage part of this farm entirely automates the production of both bonemeal and fungi meaning the only thing you need to do to run this farm is chuck in a bit of bonemeal into the farm to get it initially started and then afk at it
- The user guide which tells you how to fill inventories in the farm after building it and how to run it can be found here:

Relating Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4mmiRDvP1w
Creditsee credits document in the description
Progress100% complete

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