Minecraft Maps / Complex

World Of Minecraft - The Ultimate Survival / PVP / TDM Map!

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GokuDoku's Avatar GokuDoku
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
A MASSIVE survival / pvp / tdm map in progress! Do you likeThe Hobbit, World Of Warcraft, Skyrim or My Little PoniesWell then lucky viewer, you have just stumbled upon an OUTSTANDING  SURVIVAL / PVP / TDM map for single or multiplayer on Minecraft!
Czech out the screen shots of this project I have bestowed upon you & give er' a download, diamond or favourite if you have been pleased! Also, don't be a wimp; leave me a comment so I know you guys & gals LOVE this project!


I) Stories & Tales
These stories and tales of Alieous are not placed in chronological order.
Story I - "Black Magic Upon Laedaron"
Hidden content here!
Story II -  "Reign of Terror"
Hidden content here!
Story II - "Un-expecting Ambush"
Hidden content here!

II) Regions
These are some of the locations Alieous offers.
Coordinates: X = (-1544), Z = (-175)
Controlled: Prophets
Controlled: Rebellion
Elnor Retreat
Coordinates: X = (-1730), Z = (-120)
Controlled: Nature Wisps
Shimmer Stone Quarry
Coordinates: X = (-1814), Z = (-346)
Controlled: N/A
Necromancer's Cove
Coordinates: X = (-1400), Z = (30)
Controlled: N/A
Alknar Cliffs
Coordinates: X = (-1582), Z = (-600)
Controlled: Rebellion
Mount Palpar
Coordinates: X = (-), Z = (-)
Controlled: Contested

III) Dungeons & Danger
Within the land of Alieous, it just isnt sunshine and scenery, there is danger upon it that YOU need to vanquish! Begin your quest to rid Alieous of its wretched mobs, we need a hero and it can be you!
The Necromancers of Alieous are a magic based evil force of scourged Rebellion soldiers killing everything and everyone who step foot into Necromancer's Cove (Read more in Regions "Necromancer's Cove"), just off behind Laedaron. These wretched sould were brought back to life by Harban Aldin, the old Arch-Mage of Laedaron 64 years ago (Read more in Stories & Tales > "Black Magic Upon Laedaron").
IV) Main Faction: The Prophets
The faction "Prophets" are a religous pack who will take any race in the land of Alieous under their wing who willingly follows the word of Tidom (Alieous' sun god), even if they were born into a different faction, as long as they dip their head into Mount Laedaron's fresh and holy water at a proper ceremony. Laedaron is controlled by The Prophets and also home to King Valvos The 5th (Homosapien background), leader of the religous group and related to Albus Valvos, the most memorable king of The Prophets because of the slain of the one and only malicious dragon Magma-Maw 300 years back, saving all of Alieous from Magma-Maw's destruction (Read more in Stories & Tales > "Reign of Terror"). The Prophets are generally known as "the good guys" due to their act of bravery, kindness and respect to something higher up in life. "The Rebellion" has been their Arch enemy since the beginning colonies of Alieous, and "The Nature Wisps" elves are neutral / allied with The Prophets. If you chose to live by The Prophets, you musn't disobey Tidom. If you show any disrespect to the Word of Tidom you will be exiled from Laedaron or in serious cases, killed by King Valvos' hand. The Prophets are also known for their natural knack for trading and being a born leader.
Leader: King Valvos
Race: Humanoid
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Weight: 241 lbs
Class: Paladin
Specialty: First aid & leading
Combat Specialty: Tidom's Touch (Mass healing)
Location: Laedaron
V) Main Faction: The Rebelion
The faction "Rebellion" are an athiest pack of combined races, soely established to eradicate anyone who follows the word of Tidom (The Prophets). The inhabitants of The Rebellion are trained at birth to show absolutely no fear or mercy on the battlefield, they shall slaughter any Prophet they see on their grounds. Ranglaar (Read more in Regions > "Ranglaar") just off of the ever so deadly Alknar Cliffs (Read more in Regions > "Alknar Cliffs"is home to The Rebellion, as well as home to Nassir Steelshard (Orc background). Nassir Steelshard is the hardy leader of The Rebllion, who will do anything in his might to kill King Valvos and any of his offspring to deminish The Prophets. Any leader of The Rebellion usually don't last a year or two but the talented Nassir Steelshard has been sitting on the throne of Ranglaar for 12 years, whith many achievements under his belt, such as murdering King Valvos' daughter Madaline Valvos in the attack of Laedaron 7 years ago (Read more in Stories & Tales "Un-expecting Ambush"). King Valvos has had multiple failed attempts of destroying Nassir because of the death of his daughter, but has come close in most tries. The Rebellion are arch enemies with The Prophets and neutral / allied with The Nature Wisp elves. The rebellion is also know for the best smithing and weapon training across Alieous.
Leader: Nassir Steelshard
Race: Orc
Height: 7 feet 7 inches
Weight: 408 lbs
Class: Warrior
Specialty: Weapon / Armor Crafting
Combat Specialty: Decapitation
Location: Ranglaar
VI) Main Faction: The Nature Wisps
The faction "Nature Wisps" is the calmest / safest faction upon the land of Alieous since it is allied with both The Prophets and The Rebellion. You must be full elf or have elf descent in you to follow the culture of the Nature Wisps, unless you prove yourself worthy to Bayleif Glim, the leader of The Nature Wisps. Bayleif is said to be 350 years old, making him the eldest and wise being on the planet Alieous. The culture is based upon respecting Mother Nature and the gift of life it produces before Alieous such as wildlife, vegitation, and the weather. Elnor Retreat (Read more in Regions > "Elnor Retreat"is the home of the peaceful Nature Wisps. The Nature Wisps are also know for a natural talent for wacky inventions, archery and jewel collecting / crafting.
Leader: Bayleif Glim
Race: Forest Elf
Height: 4 feet, 9 inches
Weight: 130 lbs
Class: Mage
Specialty: Gem Crafting
Combat Specialty: Polymorph
Location: Elnor Retreat
Progress40% complete

15 Update Logs

Update #15 : by GokuDoku 07/03/2014 1:10:44 pmJul 3rd, 2014

*Added more lore in the description, and worked on the boundaries

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07/03/2014 1:33 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Paladin
CommanderNeville's Avatar
I think you didn't update the link... When I opened the map it said it was from March 27.
07/03/2014 1:35 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
GokuDoku's Avatar
I'm pretty sure its updated, ill double check
07/03/2014 1:36 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Paladin
CommanderNeville's Avatar
07/02/2014 11:49 am
Level 47 : Master Giraffe
discOtter's Avatar
It's cool looking from afar but when you get up close you can clearly see the spheres placed by World Edit. Try using the smooth tool over them.
07/02/2014 12:03 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
GokuDoku's Avatar
I know, I really got to get on that! Im just trying to get the shape outline of the world, then ill smooth. Thanks for your feedback :)
06/28/2014 1:11 pm
Level 42 : Master Warrior
tclapham's Avatar
Most awesome PvP Map I've seen!
06/28/2014 1:24 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
GokuDoku's Avatar
Thanks, it means a lot!
Dragons of the Void
06/22/2014 11:13 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
Dragons of the Void's Avatar
06/22/2014 11:40 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
GokuDoku's Avatar
Thanks dude!
06/22/2014 10:49 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
SharkBullet450's Avatar
It's very realistic and cool! Good job!
