Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Superscraper

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OffTheBook Studios
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
The Superscraper, designed to set the new record in GFG for tallest building in the server, is a beautiful work of ProjektRhythm and adds a lot to any city skyline it is in. In fact, it adds so much to a skyline that it was said to look oddly like an Air Traffic Control tower. Designed with ProjektRhythm's Iconic rimmed floor sea lantern lighting, and the massive scale of Eternavast's impressive buildings.
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09/24/2023 2:22 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
maybe add some detail at the empty sections? The triangles look good but the open sections can look intensely empty (and awkward with the exposed flooring). As it is it looks kind of unsupported and "Floating" which usually should be avoided when designing skyscrapers of that intense scale

An easy trick would be to take the same triangular shape and to put it upside down at the bottom, then add windows into the lower two triangles.
OffTheBook Studios
09/24/2023 8:43 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Noted, that's a great suggestion. However, this building was designed in the GFG style for the GFG SMP, in which the unsupported and floating style look futuristic (which is the goal) and I do think ProjektRhythm's design is a bit bland, even with those glass triangles at the back, but I did hear that he's making an attachment/modification for it!
