Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The 'Three Sisters'

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Kaeanz's Avatar Kaeanz
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Ey all,
Here is the first 'epic' project I've been working on for a few weeks. It's still far from done, the interiors and stuff. The name is inspired from the seven sisters, the building in Moskova. I named it the 'Three Sisters' because it has three towers. At first, I was about to make a stalinist-styled building but soon changed my mind. The download will be uploaded at the end of May or a few weeks after it when it's done. If you have any opinions or feedbacks for this build, it will be welcomed in the comment section.



Bahasa Indonesia :
Halo semuanya,
Ini adalah proyek 'epik' yang saya telah bikin untuk beberapa minggu. Proyek ini masih jauh dari selesai, saya masih memodifikasi bagian interior dari bangunan ini. Nama the 'Three Sisters' ini terinspirasi oleh bangunan di Moskova, Russia yang bernama 'Seven Sisters'. Pertama, saya mau nya sih bikin bangunan stalinis (bukan nya saya pki atau apa keliatan nya bagus aja sih .-. ) ya tapi ganti pilihan jadi yang kyk medieval gitu dah. Nanti download nya saya upload klo sudah akhir bulan May atau beberapa minggu setelah itu saat sudah selesai. Klo kalian punya opini atau tip-tip boleh bilang di comment section. Trims untuk membaca.

Progress65% complete

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05/22/2019 1:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello i like you build and i would like to talk with you about a project. Call my: my discord is: Pitbull#0275
05/23/2019 3:28 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Kaeanz's Avatar
I sent you a friend request.
05/22/2019 5:27 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Kaeanz's Avatar
Oh ok, my disc is oxygen#3997.
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