Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum (An IRL Asylum)

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momma_jibi's Avatar momma_jibi
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
I have almost completely finished the nearly fully custom texture pack (now featuring INVISIBLE ITEM FRAMES) and am nearly done with the roads/pathways and the buildings, themselves. The one thing I'd like to note is that there are NO maps of the layout of any of the interiors, so I will be designing the interiors to match what pictures I can, to the best of my ability. Please do not complain if it is not exact. The lack of maps or pictures has made this a very difficult venture. On a different note, I'm nearly done with building and soon comes the fun part, command blocks and creating the atmosphere/details! Let me know in the comments below what you think so far and if there's anything at all you'd like to see in a horror map that hasn't been done before and I will try to do it as best as I can!

I am making a horror adventure map that I can hopefully finish in time for Halloween. It's based off of a real-life, "haunted," insane asylum in Weston, West Virginia, also known as The Weston State Insane Asylum. It will be using my own texture pack and hopefully my own sounds. This will be a big WIP, especially since I have not done this before, so please be patient with me.

Spoiler - click to reveal

When you were little, you couldn't imagine life without your brother. You guys did everything together and were inseperable. Until the day you heard your parents talking about him being sick and sending him to a hospital to get better. They sent him away and you never saw him again. You've since dedicated your life to finding the clues to his whereabouts, and they've led you here, to the Weston State Hospital, long since abandoned. You're hoping to find some clues about your brother so you can put an end to the nightmares and finally see your best friend again.

"The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, constructed between 1858 and 1881, is the largest hand-cut stone masonry building in North America, and is purportedly the second largest in the world, next to the Kremlin. It was designed by the renowned architect Richard Andrews following the Kirkbride plan, which called for long rambling wings arranged in a staggered formation, assuring that each of the connecting structures received an abundance of therapeutic sunlight and fresh air. The original hospital, designed to house 250 souls, was open to patients in 1864 and reached its peak in the 1950's with 2,400 patients in overcrowded and generally poor conditions. Changes in the treatment of mental illness and the physical deterioration of the facility forced its closure in 1994 inflicting a devastating effect on the local economy, from which it has yet to recover."

Here is the link to their website if you'd like to learn more!

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
CreditGlenn_Diamond - Roofer
Progress40% complete

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by momma_jibi 09/24/2015 8:27:49 pmSep 24th, 2015

The Forensics Building (aka The Building for the Criminally Insane) is nearly done being built!!! Yay! Just need to freshen up the guards quarters and do a tiny bit of detail work and we're good! Whew! I really hope I don't get flagged again for false updating. I wasn't trying to do that before, and it's the reason I haven't been updating with the smaller things I've been doing, and this is a MAJOR piece of the build done. Please leave a diamond and subscribe to find out when the build finishes!

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01/20/2020 2:27 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Jfalix287's Avatar
04/19/2020 2:09 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
momma_jibi's Avatar
Your build is from 3 months ago...mine is from 5 years ago...
06/15/2019 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Nightelf23's Avatar
Am I the only one who has watched the Ghost Adventures Investigation of this place? I have loved the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum ever since. I may be wrong, but I believe that this is the place where one of the former team members, Nick Groff, got locked into one of the morgue's body lockers.
04/19/2020 2:08 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
momma_jibi's Avatar
Nope! I totally watched that, too! It was crazy!
10/20/2015 4:50 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Professor
Zacch's Avatar
This blows me awayyyyy. Why can't I make stuff like this... icri
10/21/2015 1:28 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
momma_jibi's Avatar
Awww, thank you! I've built a lot of things and have practiced a lot. It helps.
10/20/2015 1:09 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
momma_jibi's Avatar
Sorry for the delay, guys. There's been a family emergency, plus our desktop SSD died, which is where my world and server are housed. It's not gone, because I have multiple backups, but it will take a while. I have to wait for the RMA on the SSD and deal with this emergency, but I will be back to working on this as soon as I can!
10/15/2015 9:17 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
Shadowdragon94's Avatar
wow,this is amazing,nice work! i recreated riverview mental hospital in canada,if you need any help just ask,i am an asylum expert lol!

ive always wanted to do a kirkbride but ive been too buzy with school and a loss of a family member rescently.

keep up the good work,and also, here is a link to some reference photos.
10/16/2015 12:01 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
momma_jibi's Avatar
Thank you! I will be sure to check out the photos soon!
09/24/2015 10:13 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
CASEY260's Avatar
Nice work
