Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Total Drama Island/Survivor Minecraft Map Build

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jibdp1's Avatar jibdp1
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Hello there! I want to build the Total Drama Island map in Minecraft! However, I'm gonna need some help. I need some experience builders, and I need to be able to cooperate and work well with people, so I'm gonna need people 15 years of age or older. Knowledge of the show Total Drama Island, a cartoon survivor, and Minecraft is much needed. I plan on building the regular island used in the first season, plus boney island. If you know any plugins that may help this process, please let me know. My MC username is jibdp. I want to build this map in order to get either a YouTuber, or who knows maybe even me, to use and create the first, real, big, Total Drama Minecraft Island series. TDI is a great show, and there are so many things to do in Minecraft, I just want some help. Please apply with the application below, and if you know anyone else that would like to help, please tell them to apply.

Plans include:
-regular island
-Boney Island
-the loser paradise
-cabins, chris' house, food hall, etc

1. Name
2. Minecraft Username
3. Age
4. Familiar with TDI?
5. Familiar with MC?
6. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 being bad, 10 being best) on how good you think you build
7. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 being bad, 10 being best) on how good you think you are with plugins, planning, leadership, mods, terrain alterting, etc
8. Skype? (incase we need to collaborate verbally) - list username
9. Country you currently live in (just to make sure we can actually communicate)
10. Days you are currently available?
11. Why you want to apply? Will I get along with you?
12. If I have any trouble, are you able to create/hold onto the server?

My application to get to know me:
1. Dan
2. jibdp
3. 15
4. Very
5. Very
6. 7
7. 6
8. Yes - *username*
9. USA
10. I don't have any sports going on at the moment, but I am busy almost every weekday. I do have HW some days. Somedays I will be able to keep the server up.
M: 6:30pm-9pm
T: 4pm-9pm
W: 4pm-9pm
Th: 6:30pm-9pm
F: 5pm-7pm
Sa: 10am-4pm
Su: 12am-4pm
Weekend times are flexible.
11. --
12. --

You can model your app after mine. :) Thanks!
Progress5% complete

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10/03/2015 7:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Button Pusher
Jaxonminer's Avatar
Name: Ajax
Username: Jaxonminer
Age: 15
Familar with TDI: I dance to the theme song (Do I need to say more?)
Familar with MC: Yeah! You can check out the server lobbies:  Monas Roth and Calastore I designed and helped build (http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/the-land-of-gazamo-bukkit-permissions/)
Country: Austraia (You might have to change some of time tables because the time here is screwed up .__.)
Days: Saturday/Sunday
Why do I want to apply: I want to get my name out there/ And I think that I will get along.
If any troubles ...: Yes i know how to do that.

Questons. Is it in 1.8 ( my minecraft crashes in  the 1.7 updates)
I could also do the Total Drama Action set if you want.
Im impressed you know so much about TDI.
12/07/2013 4:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EthoMC's Avatar
i'll be a helper! total drama is my favorite show.
