Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Trolling Parkour 2! MORE LEVELS! 500+ DOWNLOADS!!! Thank you so much guys!

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Level 44 : Master Explorer
NOTE August 21, 2014: Thank you guys just so much for downloading! 175+ downloads and 500 viewers! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys in the next Trolling Parkour! Just for the sake of it, I gave you guys an extra level so enjoy!

Welcome back to another Trolling Parkour! 3 traps, a new land, new checkpoints, they won't suspect that it was from the same creator! If you are new, you can check Trolling Parkour 1. Mostly, this parkour has traps that you you just have to put the name of your friend in some command blocks, and done! Just /tp to the coordinates to where they are!

Coordinates and type of traps:

 x: -273 y:76 z:385 There should be a command block next you, replace INSERT NAME HERE with your friend's name. You can easily add another friends name that connects to the redstone circuit, and have another command block, and use /tp and the same coordinates that was in the other command block.

 x: -292 y: 83 z: 389 Under the redstone lantern, there is a command block that sends them to lava, like the last one. Break a block under the redstone lantern and replace INSERT NAME HERE with your friend's name. You can't do multiple friends this time...sorry.

 x: -311 y :79 z: 389 This is a jump, but it is an impossible jump, unless you jumped a bunch of ice. A five block jumps isn't possible so, let your friend(s) that you aren't trolling that you have to /fly to the other side.Or do /gamemode 1 to go into creative and fly, then do /gamemode 0.

Leave a comment letting me know if something happens with glitches or bugs, and leave a diamond! Subscribe for more! Thank you.

If you guys make a video, it would be greatly appreciated, playing or trolling your friends, but PLEASE DON'T say it is yours. Leave a download at the bottom for it. Hope you guys are excited for Lucky Block Trolling Parkour!
CreditBodil40, always, mostly for the next Trolling Parkour.
Progress100% complete

15 Update Logs

Update #15 : by wags678 09/01/2014 6:57:22 pmSep 1st, 2014

Thank you guys for half a thousand downloads!

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09/03/2014 5:24 pm
Level 44 : Master Explorer
I won't update anymore unless it is for a major update..I'm sorry.
09/01/2014 7:17 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
This seems like very little work went into it
09/01/2014 8:10 pm
Level 44 : Master Explorer
Yes I know. it is weird that lots ofpeople download it, but I guess I like it because it is a different idea, but yeah, I'll work on a better one. I actually have a parkour that has been 2 months in the making, called Z-Run if you wanna try that out.
09/02/2014 8:00 am
Level 44 : Master Explorer
But I make it short and simple. If you know the concept of it, it is to troll your friends. But if it is too long and there are too many traps, they'll become suspicous.
08/23/2014 8:52 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Looks very fun, I am about to download it! I hope it is as fun as it looks, if it is fun I will come back and give you a diamond :)
11/25/2014 3:24 pm
Level 44 : Master Explorer
I don;;t think you gave me a diamond, and I don't deserve it. I'm stopping production on Trolling Parkours, but you can see Z-Run and Z-Run 2, along with a new never before done project coming soon...
08/22/2014 12:24 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
This looks fun, i might download.

I would like to see more of the map though. :/
08/22/2014 12:25 pm
Level 44 : Master Explorer
Yeah, I can update, and put the rest of the map, that picture was taken a month ago.
Haven't updated the images since, I can put the rest on
08/22/2014 12:29 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
08/22/2014 12:37 pm
Level 44 : Master Explorer
More images!
