Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Twin Towers Memorial Replica

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Level 25 : Expert System
I decided to make the memorial from Ground Zero in NY in minecraft and have the twin towers in the middle of it.
The waterfall memorial feature is a 1:1 scale of size (not sure about the depth though (close enough) ).
The towers themselves are not to any scale, but have a total of 21 floors.
Any suggestions on improvement??
Progress100% complete

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09/22/2011 5:35 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
I agree with the guy below me. also, if you look at pictures of the towers, they never really had true corners, they were flattened a bit. Also: if your using MCEdit, take out the ground until you hit the bedrock [at least 2 up from the void]. At that point you can make them taller and add the radio antena when you reach that point. I'm doing the same thing and this helped a lot. Also get rid of the vines, doesn't really fit.
09/22/2011 5:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pony
One thing, the North and South Tower look kind of weird because of there Height to width ratio might want to fix that?
