Minecraft Maps / Complex

Vanilla Teleportation System using Nether Portals!

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Starwarrior25's Avatar Starwarrior25
Level 44 : Master Artist
The other day, I wondered if teleportation was possible with Nether gates. So, I challenged myself to try and build a teleportation system. And, I did. The world download is here to show you how it works, mainly the redstone set up, which is very simple.

Basically, it works based on the fact that all overworld portals connect to the same nether portal, and that the nether portal connects to the first portal that is open in the overworld. If none are open, it makes its own portal.
So, If I have two portals active, enter one of those portals, and have it close after I get teleported to the Nether, re-enter the nether portal, I will get teleported to the other portal I left open, making a type of teleportation possible!

The reason the portals were so close was just for testing. The real range is unlimited as far as I know!

Have fun with this one guys, as it is the only one I've seen so far!

This setup doesn't require bedrock, however I just happened to use it. It merely requires a explosive resistant block. It also needs Fire Charges.

The texture pack used was EldPack!

WARNING! During testing out on my own time, I remembered that redstone only updates within so far from you, meaning that this device would not work if the distance between the portals was more than that update distance!

If you like this, give it a Diamond, Favorite it to show your love, and Subscribe for more awesome redstone projects!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Starwarrior25 09/02/2012 10:42:52 pmSep 2nd, 2012

Important note added to description.

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02/22/2015 2:33 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ranger
Soybeam's Avatar
hmm... interesting...
flint- n-steel
08/27/2013 4:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
flint- n-steel's Avatar
Very interestingred stonecreation.....I'll give it a go!
09/03/2012 4:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Geek
onoemre's Avatar
I understand the system that you are using but what if automaticly another portal spawn in world?
09/03/2012 6:40 am
Level 44 : Master Artist
Starwarrior25's Avatar
As you know, when you create a portal in the overworld, it generates one in the nether for you. The only way that another portal would be automatically generated is if if you stepped thru the nether portal, and had no active overworld portals. Then it would generate a portal for you.
09/02/2012 5:15 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar
09/04/2012 3:30 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
LivingEntity's Avatar
I know.
09/02/2012 5:17 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
Starwarrior25's Avatar
Thank you!
