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The Herren's Avatar The Herren
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
NOTE: This is a project I currently am working on solo. However those willing to help and contribute to the project are welcome.

INFO: I am building this city to hopefully either use it as an adventure map or for a server. Currently what I've constructed for the city so far is the bigginings of a gothic cathedral and buildings. 
           However I will not be releasing this map soon because it is still in the early stages. And help is still needed to further expand the project. Send some info about your building or redstone skills anything you might find useful to this project that your good at!

GENRE, DESIGN DESCRIPTION: The aspired design of the city is that it will lean more to that of a renaissance style city with a flavor of steampunk. The design of the city though, is that it'll mainly consist of buildings alongside the mountain like as if it were climbing the mountains. 


- Architects (experienced builders skilled in detailed design, renaissance design and gothic architecture)

- Command block coders (experienced coders especially with command block coding using MCedit)

- Redstoners (people who have experience with redstone mechanics/circuitry)

- Landscapers (anyone who knows how to generate/make custom world themes)

- eccetra (more types of help will be needed later on if the map succeeds to progress)

Thanks for reading this and checking out my project's page. I'm hoping that this project will do well and thanks again! :D

Want a Down
CreditThanks to Kilgrim for the awesome landscape!
Progress10% complete

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The Herren
03/23/2014 10:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
The Herren's Avatar
UPDATE: Hello, I wrapped up the building designs and got started using them on the map. By the way guys incase you like the landscape the guy to go to is Kilgrim!
The Herren
03/19/2014 7:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
The Herren's Avatar
Update: Hey guys, I have continued to construct the city, credits to Kilgrim for the awesome landscape. By now the towns definentally going to look great! ;D
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