Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

VECO - high efficiency helion refinery || DOWNLOADABLE || 35x35 Plot

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Clockwork Studio's Avatar Clockwork Studio
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
VECO || Future. Today!

VECO... Aurum... and Vortex. Those are the three big corporations remaining on mars after the confirmed recolonization of earth. VECO are the only ones, who still hope for a Colonization of Mars. The others... they just take what isnt theirs. Atleast from the sight of VECO...

VECO is a highly specialised refining and drilling company mainly focussing on high profits in times as short as possible. At all costs they try to hold their schedule . They protect their stations and equipment with their lives. If a Station is unholdable a VECO-Officer would rather blow the station and its entire Crew up, than leaving it to Pirates.
Veco stands for high quality on the global market and never disappointed a Customer... YET.

The VECO-refinery is a small project i already had in mind for some weeks now. This week i finally took my time to finish it. I think it went out pretty well. (especially the pick of colors for the refinery)
If you got any ideas / suggestions on how to improve it... just post a comment!

(also please notice that "VECO" is a fictional company and isnt connected or related in any ways to any real corporation or company!)

Thanks for reading,
Progress100% complete

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Clockwork Studio
06/21/2017 10:10 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
Clockwork Studio's Avatar
Forgot to mention that you can use it for whatever you want. Credit would be nice, but isnt necessary.
Aslong you dont claim it as your own work of course!
