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Level 39 : Artisan Architect
This map is a very large island containing multiple fortresses/towns/farmsteads/dungeons/etc.

I aimed to recreate iron age/ vendel period/ viking period style buildings

right now there are 6 towns, some are ringfortresses with farms around it, some are much bigger. there is also 1 temple (stave church) wich like all other towns will have quests.

with the customnpc mod I can add npc's that will make the town feel alive, there will be different roles for eacht npc.
I made the skins of all npc's myself, there around 60+ skins at this moment. some are unique to 1 character, like every jarl/king.

every town has 4 types of warriors:

-veteran warrior

every town produces different goods, some are known for their mines, some for their lumber, some for slaves etc.
I wanna make trade routes between these towns in the form of quests.

every town controls a certain region, within these regions there are certain locations.

-normal farmsteads
-farmsteads with orchard
-farmsteads with brewery
-farmsteads with honey farm.
-lumber camps
-hunting camps
-burial grounds/tombs
-caves (possibly for monster slaying quests)

will add in the future:

-more farmsteads/mines/lumbercamps
-unique barrows/tombs in the mountains
-quests (will be a lot of work)
-more types of ships (currently 4)
-fishing villages

-possibly a second island?
Progress30% complete

2 Update Logs

MASSIVE REWORK : by Maerck 05/04/2021 5:22:15 pmMay 4th, 2021

Lately I've been working on an entire new map due to not being happy with the old one.
I will post the old map for download soon if you would like to check it out (do note that it comes without the npc, those are generated using custom npc mod)
The new map (wich is in development) is about 3 / 4 times bigger than the ''old'' one.
Fortresses are now bigger and can contain multiple buildings instead of just 1 hall, they now look more like the typical viking ''ringfortresses''
houses have been updates to a newer model wich and now makes use of 1.15.2 blocks such as campfires, smokers etc.
Update with pictures and videos will be coming soon.

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08/22/2020 5:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
When will we can download it?
08/17/2020 5:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Are you planning to relese it like it is now? Me and mi friends will love to play like it is
08/18/2020 2:01 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
i am currently working on a second and third island and some map bug fixes.

second island has 2 towns and about 12 farmsteads so that takes a long time to complete,

i might release it once i believe there are enough buildings :)
08/13/2020 3:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
maybe a second city on an island/land of a different culture. And can be traded or go to war with?
08/13/2020 7:51 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
there are 6 cities right now on the current island, all mostly viking/scandinavian style culture.

i do like the idea of having a southern island with like an anglo-saxon culture with different peoples/religion/etc.
08/10/2020 8:47 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
I'm considering releasing the Alpha version of this map as it is right now, there won't be (much) quests, and not every build that was planned will be finished.
08/10/2020 8:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi, can you describe in detail how to download the map
08/09/2020 12:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hello Maerck, im GhostBustersK. i'm currently working on the making of a server, and builders are needed. I was having a look at some builds and I noticed the one you made.

it certainly is a build made by someone experienced and I have to say, it is just what I was looking for. we would love to hear back from you, and know your opinion on it.

thank you very much, GhostBustersK.

server ip: hapichel.minehut.gg name to be changed soon
08/08/2020 9:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
It's amazing! I hope to play it.
