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Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
- This is a simple way to make a easy farmable vine farm.
- Just build a bar at 8 heigh and add vines on them on both sides. This heigh you cannot accidentally remove it from the ground.
- you must leave 2 space between the bars/rows to be able to put vines on both bars/rows.
- (1:17) Here you can see I cannot reach for the top one.
- Always work from down to up, else you will loose vines with no drops.
- (2:06) This is I way to farm I prefer :)
- And here you go unlimited vines :)
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by dextersworld 10/25/2013 7:51:54 pmOct 25th, 2013

added download

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