Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

VoxelBox Treehouse

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Ltcheesecracker's Avatar Ltcheesecracker
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
This was my whitelist build for the elite server, The Voxel Box.
It's a treehouse/villa, and I placed all of the blocks by hand. Even the leaves.
It is fully complete on the interior, down to the last knife hanging from the kitchen cupboard! (litterally, with the VoxelBox texture pack)
It was built using the VoxelBox texture pack, so I may not release the schematic file, as few people have the texture pack to view it in.

This took me about 3 days, because it was the test to be whitelisted to the VoxelBox, and the rules are, hand placed blocks ONLY. So yes, every single block you see here was hand placed by me.

I've added a video from some footage I dug up.

This build is no longer among all the failed builds that you see in these pictures. It is now permanently resting in the tree city of Droginwood on the VB. (Picture attached of the entrance to Droginwood, and where it now sits in Droginwood.)

If you like it, don't just lurk! Throw me a diamond or a comment/suggestion on how I could have done it better!

Additional Notes

Built on the one and only VoxelBox.
Built 100% by hand.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Ltcheesecracker 12/05/2011 8:15:13 pmDec 5th, 2011

- Added a picture of it now resting in it's final position on the VoxelBox.

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12/05/2011 10:54 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Chef
Lokibo's Avatar
duuuuuuuuude. when are we gonna make the mod?
12/06/2011 12:29 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Ltcheesecracker's Avatar
Psshh idk im bored of coding. I haven't even updated my mods to 1.0 yet.
11/30/2011 3:08 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
wholverine1's Avatar
DUDE, whats voxelbox?
11/30/2011 6:09 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Ltcheesecracker's Avatar
The VoxelBox is one of the most elite building servers in Minecraft. Hundreds apply everyday, but there is only about 3 or 4 white-lists per week. I am currently a member of the VB. CaptainSparklez did a lets play of building an adventure map with The VoxelBox. I have also met CaptainSparklez and Simon and Lewis of the Yogscast on that server.

Many of the members know java coding, and almost all of the plugins for the VB are coded specially for it. The building on The VoxelBox is some of the most incredible Minecraft building I have ever seen!

Here is a nice trailer video of it that the Yogscast did for us at Minecon:

