Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Voya Nui Adventure/Surival Map (2016) Updated with Mahri Nui!

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Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger

Kemzal128 and Low Rezzolution Entertainment's Minecraft Adventure map - Voya Nui

"The stars
call it Voya Nui. But they have another name for it as well: "The
Daggers of Death". I fear the second name may be more accurate.
" - Turaga Dume

The Voya Nui adventure
map was proposed by Kemzal128, and finished by Low Rezzolution
Entertainment. The scope of the project was to recreate the island of
Voya Nui from the Lego series BIONICLE as a minecraft
adventure-themed map, as well as a survival location. The map focuses
on BIONICLE year 2006 when the criminals known as the Piraka enslaved
the matoran of the entire island, in search of the fabled Kanohi Ignika,
the mask of life.

Spoiler - How to defeat the bosses
How to defeat the bosses:

Vezok - Get the armor from the matoran village near the spawn, because
of the thorns enchantment, and then speed through the level as fast as

Thok - Get a lot of regeneration potions in the fight beforehand, and then hit Thok as hard as possible.

Avak - I would advise getting a lot of grenades, to deal with all the Vizorak.

Reidak - I consider this to be the easiest level, just do whatever you want.

Hakann - Get a good frame rate, some fire resistance, and hope for the best, this is one of the most challenging levels.

Vezon and Fenrakk - Get something with knockback, and send them into the lava.
CreditKEMZAL128 and everyone else who help me built it at LRE
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Mahri Nui addition and bug fixes! : by NightOwlKOJ 08/04/2016 3:11:21 pmAug 4th, 2016

I went through and fixed quite a few bugs that could cause the map to hang in areas, fixed a few things for the update to 1.7 and higher versions, added some new fast travel locations, and added the sequel of sorts to the original map, with an entirely underwater adventure in Mahri Nui and its surrounding waters!

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10/29/2017 8:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Question: Where can I find Mahri Nui?
11/15/2017 8:39 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
You have to beat the Voya Nui map first, and it will automatically teleport you to the Toa submarine, after which the fast travel system will allow you to jump between Voya Nui and Mahri Nui as you so desire.
01/28/2017 3:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Where can I find my quest log?
02/01/2017 6:30 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Open the world folder itself and go into "TEXT FILES" there should be two word documents, one in Matoran, and the other in English, there should also be a link to the resource pack in there.
02/04/2017 4:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yeah but I didnt have any fully compatible text program
02/17/2017 4:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Oh, it should open in any current version of Word, but the quest log doesn't really mean anything. We built the map to be played at your own pace. If you look around on BZPower, there's a strategy guide for how to play the map, I believe there's also one on the Minecraft forums as well... Did you get the texture pack to work?
02/19/2017 4:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Yeah ok, I used the Imperio Toa resource pack
02/25/2017 10:05 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
That'll work, I guess.
