Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Weston City (official)

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Darkfizch's Avatar Darkfizch
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
Welcome to Weston City!
Dynmap: http://the-wild.tk:8123/?worldname=world&mapname=surface&zoom=5&x=17418&y=64&z=19500
The download links to an image because this project is in progress on a server, which means there is no singleplayer world download.

Bringing civilization to the server since 2015!

This is a city largely based on American cities in the Northeast, with the main focus on NYC. It is meant to represent a blend of cities as they looked in the mid-20th century, which means you will see skyscrapers and the like, but not as many as we see today. Older buildings are still preserved and have not yet been replaced by office towers.

The city is divided in four main districts:


Each of these have their own characteristics and together they blend into a full fledged city, with all the things you may imagine. Fluston for instance is home to the financial district and the harbor, while in Greenfield you will mainly find suburbs with lots of green and big yards. Clarksford lies in the middle of that, densely populated but mostly residential. Lastly, Eastbury is definitely the poorer area, with streets that remind you of real areas such as Little Italy and New York City's own Harlem neighborhood.

Weston is accessible in many ways. The most popular route is through the nether, but an actual freeway system has been put in place as well. There is the H01 that runs from spawn through the city, and in a little while the H02 will open up the way to the North, allowing you to travel to our allied city Carthage and back.

Want to help out? You can!

Even though many people have helped me in and around the city for the past two years, it is as of yet far from finished. If you want to see this project grow, you can help out by copying building designs I made over to the city. This is the process that by far takes up the most amount of time. I don't have much to give in return, but you will at least receive a completely free residence. I am also forever running low on clay, so if you want, you can hop online and dig some. I pay well for it!

That is all for now. Hope to see you soon!

Love this project and feel like giving me a cup of coffee?

Weston City (official) Minecraft Map

Weston City (official) Minecraft Map
Creditcrumpet_trumpet, iiEpix, CoinSmasher, MyTyranosaur, steelcrafter26, Hunter19, vodapo, AbbyFox_, smaj, SeaBassHD, Bookworm82103, LeiSedai, tucksparks, DavarJ
Progress35% complete

3 Update Logs

Progress on Westbay avenue : by Darkfizch 07/26/2018 9:25:17 amJul 26th, 2018

During the last few months I have not been on the server much. Many players seem to have left. Some returned, but it wasn't for long unfortunately. This was due to the server timing out sometimes every hour or so, but there were days when it would be every 10-20 minutes. It's a sad state of affairs but nonetheless, I have been planning and designing new stuff offline. The most significant project of all this would be the south side of Westbay avenue. This row of buildings is now almost complete, it's just missing the last two interiors. Included in these buildings are plenty of fish markets, tobacco shops, bars, restaurants and a very old brick building which houses the historical Fluston Fishers' pub. You can find images of these here.

That's all I have now. Progress is very slow, but I'm continuing this project. The server may be very inactive, but I still believe in what I planned three years ago, and that is to create a city that's authentic to real life, condensed into a small land area.

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10/17/2017 10:55 am
Level 21 : Expert uwu
Koi_YTP's Avatar
What server?
10/17/2017 1:23 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
Darkfizch's Avatar
It's linked under the Submission Server tab; the-wild.tk
