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Level 25 : Expert Architect
I have been searching the internet for an accurate representation of the White House. The vast majority are not to scale and very erroneous. I am currently building this 1:1 scale 100% accurate, down to the paintings on the wall and carpet on the floor, detailed White House. This will be the very first, that I know of, 100% 1:1 minecraft White House ever created.

I started this project in version beta 1.8.2. Once I have completely finished this project I will go back and re-haul the entire project to bring it up to date with the latest version of minecraft. This will be done because as new blocks and textures are added to the game, the greater detail I can make this project.

Here is what I have.

Please comment and leave a diamond if you like!


Sub Basement 100% Structurally done, 100% furnished
Ground Floor 100%; 100% Furnished
First Floor, 100% Structurally done, 100% Furnished
Second Floor, 100% Structurally done, 100% Furnished
Third Floor, 98% Structurally done, 95% Furnished

West Wing-Ground Floor 100% done
First Floor 100% done
Second floor 100% done

East Wing- 100% done

Grounds- 0% done

For a limited time this build is available for view on the server  This server is a 24/7 server and will be open to the public starting 7/21/15 at 6:00pm EST.  If you wish to join this server perminately please email swiftowl7@gmail.com.
Progress95% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by swiftowl7 07/21/2015 5:08:24 pmJul 21st, 2015

For a limited time this build is available for view on the server  This server is a 24/7 server and will be open to the public starting 7/21/15 at 6:00pm EST.  If you wish to join this server perminately please email swiftowl7@gmail.com

A overhall of this build has been completed.  Please come and check it out.

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02/18/2014 1:12 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
