Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Worlds of Kingdom Hearts

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Replicraft7's Avatar Replicraft7
Level 54 : Grandmaster Taco
Worlds of Kingdom Hearts is a large project representing the worlds that appear throughout the Kingdom Hearts franchise. The aim of this map is to combine locations from different games to create much more explorable and bigger worlds, while trying to stay true to most of the actual in-game locations.
This map was started in the mid-2017.

Worlds: Currently there are only seven worlds available; Destiny Islands, Disney Castle, Traverse Town, Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, Deep Jungle and Mysterious Tower. Each world has combined environments from different games they appear in. For example, Wonderland has locations from both KH1 and Union X, with portions from Days being added in future updates as well.
Each world currently is widely explorable and playable, but also more or less partially unfinished, which will be fixed soon enough.
The map utilizes command-block systems for entering worlds from the Stations of Awakening as well as entering and exiting different interior locations. If someone finds their command block codes missing, ill add a list below the describtion.

Twilight Town, Radiant Garden, Data World copies, Dwarf Woodlands, Castle of Dreams, Keyblade Graveyard, Enchanted Dominion, Atlantica, Halloween Town, Christmas Town, Pride Lands, Agrabah, Pranksters Paradise, Monstro, La Cite Des Cloches, Space Paranoids, The Grid, Castle Oblivion (with its floor copies of other worlds), Underworld, Disney Town, Land of the Dragons, Beasts Castle, Deep Space, Mirage Arena, End of the World, Neverland (with the additional islands and Hooks ship), The World That Never Was, Symphony of Sorcery, Country of the Musketeers, Port Royal, Timeless River, Daybreak Town and any other additional world that comes along the way will all eventually be added in upcoming updates.

Do also check out my Steven Universe map, if you haven´t already ;)
Everyone have fun and may your hearts be your guiding key!
Progress5% complete

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07/17/2019 10:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RainNyte's Avatar
This still going? And if not would you have any problems with me attempting to take over the builds, I'd love to see a map that unifies the different versions of each of the worlds we've seen throughout the games
07/17/2019 6:05 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Taco
Replicraft7's Avatar
Yup, still going and being expanded on. Traverse Town is nearly completely finished ^^
Thanks for the offer, but i can handle it by myself, just requiring an up to date map editor program to speed up the process >w<
05/18/2018 9:49 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
BottleRocketBosley's Avatar
I can't wait for this project to be completed!
05/19/2018 2:48 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Taco
Replicraft7's Avatar
May become a little bigger than the SU project too :D
